My first job

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2018. February 11.

   Finally I have good news to report! So a few days after my emotional break down, Kazimier got my hopes up when he called me on my way home from the hospital. ( I must go there from time to time to refill my blood supplies )
- Hello? Kazimier? Do you need anything?
- No, not really. Just a question popped up in my head. How many languages can you speak other than hungarian?
- Erm, yeah. English quite well, I  can speak German fluently and on a basic level Spanish too.
- Better than I expected. - he said honestly.
- Thanks?
- Hannah, I have to tell you something.
- what is it?
- I might land you a job.
And so he did.
   They arranged an interview with me and probably they were satisfied with my skills and qualities because I was told to start working as soon as possible which I gladly did.
   Commute became a real issue for me due to the location of the hotel, in the city centre. However I got to like the place, since it's cosy, and the guests creat a peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand I didn't really feel any connection toward my colleagues. There's a cleaning lady, who doesn't speak much with us. At the registration counter two of us works. Whenever my shift is, I mostly handle the letters, and the booking part to avoid speaking with strangers. I know it's not the best stategy I could come up with but whatever. Actually I'm quite successful because I don't get to speak either with the guests or with my coworkers too. Esther and Anna look so busy with themselves and their mobiles that it feels nice to ignore them but with Nora, it's different. She looks like she wants to say something but then always changes her mind. I don't have the guts to start a conservation. Maybe next time. Just two weeks passed.
   Oh yeah. I had my first night shift. I can't even describe how uncomfortable I felt. My paranoia was so intense, the fear that the guy who knew my parents, will find me and kill me like my parents would have done. Or at least did with many others of my kind. Frightening...
   I can't just ignore that. I'm thinking about that I'll ask Kazimier to escort me home. I'm such a baby. I must be a burden for him.
   And this thouht stuck into my head and I decided to buy him something in return of his favours.
- What's this? - he asked when I slid something on the kitchen table to him.
- A present. To thank you.
- Hey, thanks. It's cool.
- you didn't open it yet. - I reminded him.
- Yeah but I didn't do so much for you. Just what seemed necessary.
- But I'm still greatful for that.
- And I think it's cool that you are.
- Thanks.
I feel that it's the right place, I can really move on and create something out of myself. I feel I can be something more than death.
For the first time. 

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