My badass party 1.2 (hangover)

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2018. March 3.

So...after I got up, of course with a splitting headache, I checked my mobile aaand I freaked out.
Firstly I slept through the day.
Secondly I got a few messages from a guy, I can't recall perfectly. It says: hey babygirl, how about meeting up sometime later? I'm just amazed of that dark side of yours.
And thirdly the voice recording. That was the worst part of it all and as I was getting out of bed, everything started to come back and hit me like a piano hurtling down from the topfloor.
Well, at the beginning it seemed alright. I met Kazimier and his group of friends before the bar. Chatted for a while in the freezing night, I learned that they all students of the National Ballett. I got envious but then the feeling faded when they brought up my past.
- Kazimier told us before you were into ballett. Is it right? 'Cause that's awesome.
- Yeah. Well...
- OMG! I know! You and that girl from Wien look so much alike. Incredible! What was her name?
- The girl who got missing? Oh it's so tragic!
- Yeah, I heared she was gifted with incredible talent. Such a shame.
- I don't! I mean I don't look like her...- my voice rised higher than expected. They all looked at me surprised. - It's just mere coindsedance, maybe it's my hairdo or whatever.
- Okay... - one of the guys said sheepishly. - I suggest that we should go for a drink, guys, don't think?
So we all got inside, and they invited me for tremendous number of shots. After a while I lost track of what and how much I was actually drinking. Clearly that was a mistake. Especially that time when Kazimier came up to me to ask how I was doing.
- I'm fine but maybe...maybe a dance would be nice.
- Hannah... - he said with a smile that promised nothing good - you wanna dance with the devil?
- Yeah, well... weren't you the one who said I'm dangeorus?
- We better see that on the dancefloor. So, shall we?
He grabbed my hand and led me through the maze of people. He held me tight, never let go of my hand, even when we bumped into tipsy guys. At first I got nervous but then his presence or maybe rather his eyes calmed me.
His eyes were sparkling, travelling up and down my body, exploring me in a way that not just made feel comfortable but felt fully aware of myself. And what I was capabale of. He was definately drunk, but not as much as me. I put my arms around his neck, his palm was pressed on my waist making me lean closer.
- So? - I whispered in his ears and I could smell his scent.
- What?
- Do you feel yourself in danger?
- I don't see why should I. - he said leaning even closer so that i could feel his breathe, moreover I could touch his pulsing vein, the life running through under my fingers.
- You should...
- Why is that exactly? - he smirked lazily.
I felt the hunger growing inside me but paralel I sensed the tension between us, something untouchable which made my brain shot down, leaving me with my instincts. My eagerness.
- Just because I...
I imagined.
His neck, my fangs, his blood, my pleasure.His moan, my bite. And then I looked up to him, into his sparkling eyes and realised how much I wanted to hurt him.
- Because? - he asked again with an angelic smile dancing on his lips.
I almost choked of the thoughts, my eyes filled with fear and shame. My hands splipped down, I took a step backwards. His face showed puzzlement but I had to get out. I had to!
Oh, my goodness. And just after that came all the misery. I can't even think about it straight. Right now, I don't know what to say to Kazimier or how to speak to him... But I can't hide all day in my room, right?

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