For the first time sleeping in the same bed

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2018. April 8.

I had a new nightmare.
At the beginning I was in a cave or rather in a labirinth. Somehow I knew I was at the very end of it, right before the monster of this dark, cold place built with acient stones. I couldn't see the half bull and half man creature, the Minotaurus, I could only hear its breath. In and out. In and out.
The fear of dying was so intense, and the memories of that Christmas Eve always were there, in the back of my mind.

Then the dream suddenly changed. The damp walls disappeared and I fell to ground. The sky was almost shining blue. From every direction sunflowers faced me, they were so close that I almost jumped up. A wind swung the flowers and as they moved they all started to make sounds. Their high piched voice said only one word: Run!

Above them a squeawk clove the sky in two pieces and a large shadow covered the whole field. The Minotaourus grew white wings and a head of a falcon. Its eyes full of madness and loath. The flowers spoke again: Run!

And I scrambled across the field bewildered. Tha giant falcon were chasing me through the tickling sunflowers singing to me.
Run run run run run run run run run - they said.
The falcon from time to time came upon me, and its beak bed deep in the ground and I screamed and  screamed. I thought there was no help and just right there I reached the end of the world.

There was no ground, just a infinite abyss. I stood there speechless. the wind tried to tore my skirt, which was like a flag begging for piece. The falcon came once more to kill me, but then its shadow vanished. A naked boy was falling from the sky instead and he broke his backbone. The sound was harsh and terrifing. Still he didn't die straightaway. He even grabbed my hand, before he would hurtle down into the darkness. I held him, his broken body, his eyes were calm. His lips moved: He...lena.

It was him - I suddenly realised. The vampire. The one who killed my parents. The one who killed me.
He let go of my hold, and fell into the Nothing. He didn't make any more noise. The abyss sucked in every breath, every emotion, his last heartbeats.
Nothing left of him.
And I screamed.

I woke up in the middle of the night shouting histerically. My hands tried to reach the lamp to make light in the room, but somebody switched them on for my sake.
- Kazmier! - I burst out.
- Hey. Hannah... - he walked to my bed, his face was pure sadness. I reached out to him, and he pulled me into a hug.
- Is there anything I could do to help?
- You're helping already. - I said and I rested my head on his chest.
- What did you dream about?
- A bad man
- What did he do?
- Awful things.
- To you?
- He was the one who ruined my family. - I replied and for a few minutes silence fell upon us. I could feel he was uneasy, and then he asked:
- Can he still hurt you?
- What if it's a maybe?
- You want to tell me that I should not be worried, not to think about it right?
- Maybe. - I said, and chuckled. He got to know me so well, in such a short amount of time.
- Are you afraid of him?
- Kinda yes. Yes.
- Do you want me to sleep here?
- If it's okay for you.
- Why on earth would I say no to this?
He smiled and kissed me.

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