17 Transcending the Freight Feeder

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Makira's eyes gaped open as she entered the room. A large slug like creature stood in front of them. It was short and yellow with feet like that of the caterpillar. Two large bone apertures stuck out from the side of its head while wrinkles replaced what should have been its face and jagged teeth hung low at the bottom. The group slowly walked in preparing themselves for battle. They looked around the room getting an idea of their surroundings. The room was made of nothing more than rock with braziers, hanging on the walls. The beautiful stone masonry work that they had become accustomed to was now gone. A small pool of water encased a small area on the right side of the room. Stalactites hung from the ceiling waiting to impale any creature that this slug like entity tossed into the air. Bones of other adventurers littered the ground while the weapons and armor laid next to them rusted and destroyed. The group spread out across the wall no eyes ever leaving the creature as it slowly turned to the left and then to the right watching them as they moved. Slowly Meroes drew his double bladed sword. Looking to Marcus, who had moved to the farthest right position he nodded. Reaching for his wineskin, Marcus took a quick drink and ready to his weapon. Pulling her blades from her side; Makira readied for battle. She knew this would be no easy task.

Stepping forward; Marcus rushed into attack. Swinging his blade with all his strength, Marcus suddenly stopped. His eyes bulged as he dropped his weapon to the ground. His body froze as if he had seen his worst fear. "What's wrong with him?" screamed Makira. Rushing into save his companion Meroes attacked; instantly freezing in the same way as Marcus. "What in the hell?" asked Quil. Moving from its original position, the freight feeder slowly approached Quil and Sam. Lunging towards her companions Makira attempted to wash her daggers deep into the freight feeder, only to find herself stunned in mid air overcome with pure and utter terror. Sam and Quil quickly looked to each other and then back to the freight feeder. Attempting to step back away from the creature their backs slammed against the wall. Slowly the creature approached them. Fear began to overcome as they watch the creature crept closer and closer to them until it was upon them. Horror overcame the two as their worst nightmares entered their minds; and quickly became their realities.

Marcus landed with a splat in a deep pit of mud, sticks and leaves. Standing up he looked around. "Where in the world am I?" A huge mud wall surrounded him, slick with nothing to grab a hold of. Reaching for his wineskin, he found that it was missing. "What in the hell, where is my drink?" Thinking it may have fallen off when Marcus landed he bent down and began to search though the mud for it.

Marcus moved the mud, sticks and leaves about; frantically searching for his beloved wineskin. "Where is it, it's got to be here?" he moved the material to and fro as an odd feeling began to creep up his arm. Stopping his search he looked to his arm. A large black bug moved up his forearm towards the elbow. Bringing his right hand across; he smacked it hard; crushing the bug between his hand and arm. "Disgusting" he commented. Returning to his quest, Marcus began to search again as the feeling returned; this time on his left calf. Bring his hand back to his calf he smacked it hard; crushing this creature as he did the first.

Marcus bent over once again; moving the mud, leaves, and sticks about. A smile formed across his face as he spotted it under a mud covered leaf. "There you are" he said with a smile. Moving the leaf he picked it up and wiped off the mud. Popping the top he tilted his head back and awaited the warm liquids touch.

The liquid fell with great speed splashing in Marcus's welcoming mouth. His eyes bulged as he felt something crawling in his mouth. Instinctively spitting it out; he looked to it. A small roach landed on a leaf and began to crawl around. Turning his head he raised his wineskin to face level and looked at it. Moving off the leaf the roach crawled over to Marcus and began to move up his leg. Marcus could feel the movement of the bug as it moved up his skin. Looking down he spotted it. Bringing his left hand I swatted at it crushing it against the lower part of his leg. A loud shrieking sound emanated from the creature as Marcus's hand pulled away from his leg. The creature twitched for a moment before falling off Marcus leg into the mud, sticks, and leaves.

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