Heroes and Villains

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I kicked out the metal grate and fell into the empty warehouse. I'm in. The lair - because of course every villain has a lair - was hidden somewhere down below. I carefully walked to the suspicious keypad, not by any doors. Either it was an alarm, and a poor one at that, or it was just what I was looking for.

It couldn't be that simple. Could it?

I'd have to have through it, unless the code was something simple. Like, 1234. I tried it. Everything else was easy so far. Why wouldn't this be?

Slowly, a hidden door opened in the floor, revealing a staircase. I should go down. Most of my villains installed elevators. I had to comment the new guy's commitment. The stairs went down several stories and he climbed them every night.

At the bottom, the stairs ended in the middle of a hallway. I should go right. It made sense. The bad guys were always right. But a strange glow came from the left path. A superweapon, perhaps?

I crept along leftward. I should go back and go right. There would be plenty of time to investigate his projects after I brought him to justice.

Or her. Very modern.

The right path was dark, but it eventually brought me to another secure door. This one's unlocked. Stealthily, I opened it and snuck inside. There were times to make a dramatic entrance, and times to stay quiet. This guy - or girl - was new to Tall City. I opted for the latter.

He was not what I expected. Tall, skinny, attractive with striking blue eyes. He wore black and purple. Villain colors of course, but just a jacket, shirt, and jeans. No elaborate costume.

A gun was on the table behind him. I should take it. I didn't know what his powers were, but better safe than sorry.

He hadn't noticed me yet. I have the upper hand! Jumping on the table, I announced myself, making sure my booking voice would be the only thing he focused on.

"Stop there, villain," I roared.

Slowly, he turned. Confident. For the first time I saw his scarred face, fully clear. He looked like he was barely held together.

He looked like he was barely holding himself together.

"Welcome to my home, Justice," he said with manic laughter.

"It's not too late to stop what you're doing." I should sit down. "Whatever it is that you're doing."

I settled in one of the metal chairs at the table. I should look at the camera. I just noticed it, pointed straight at me. The wall of monitors he was staring at showed the various streams. He was recording an empty chair?

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, Justice. This is about you."

"Calm, villain. You-" I should shut up. He seemed eager to talk.

He smiled.

"It's easier when you're within earshot. Less interference." The skinny guy leaned in close, his eyes shining like a child at Christmas. "Besides I want to watch."

He grinned widely. I should relax. But I couldn't. Something about this guy was off. I still didn't know what his power was or what he was doing.

"I guess I'll just do this the hard way."

What was he talking about? I should shoot myself.

I raised the gun, trying to resist. I should shoot myself.

My finger wrapped around the trigger. I should shoot myself.

My heart rate quickened. I should shoot myself.

What was he doing to me? I should shoot myself.

I should shoot myself. Good.


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