Smash Em Up #5

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"You are alone, Jane."

The words echoed through my mind even as the jungle of AX10 sprang to life. I couldn't remembered the last time I heard David's voice, not counting the occasional recording, and over my comms meant he was close. Relatively close in terms of the Andromeda galaxy. He was here.


Nothing but static in response.

A roar brought me back to reality. I needed to organize. With the lights on, the creatures in the jungle would be drawn to the satellite. The good news, that meant the crashed station still had power. The Apollo engine must have gone down with this half. The bad news, the lights would attract the creatures of the jungle.

Step one: shut off the power. I could maybe fight off a couple of the beasts with the crossbow if I was lucky. It would be better to avoid them if possible.

Step two: find Ashton. She had to be somewhere. If she was anywhere.

"You are alone, Jane."

The echo hit me hard. AX10 was a hostile planet. Even after semi-successful terraforming, the planet itself wanted to kill me. To kill anyone that stepped foot on its lush surface. Enough time adventuring through the galaxy, and I was sure Candle Corp's AI was out to get me David's warning didn't help my paranoia. Gaia chose the planets because they had a high chance of supporting life. She'd been right on every one.

Ashton could already be dead.

Step three: Find David. The bastard had a habit of slipping away, but I would chase him down if I had to. I couldn't let him slip away this time.

"Billy, can you read me? I need a read on the surrounding area. I think David's here."

Static. I was alone.

A purple flash above me grabbed my attention. The hexagon lights pulsed above me, slow at first, but increasing with rhythm. The shields were online! Maybe things wouldn't be that bad.

Another screech came from the jungle, not the roar of a hunter but the cries of pain. I pulled my crossbow from my side, holding down the trigger. The first prong popped from its casing as the blue energy charged at the tip. I gently ran my finger against the empty space in the hull. The energy cackled beneath my fingers as a hexagon flashed purple. It was a weak flicker, no doubt already struggling against AX10's acidic rainfall.

I didn't have long. At least the weather was on my side - for now - and I could hopefully race for the trees before it betrayed me.

Or I'd burn to death.

The second prong popped out as one of the beasts emerged. It's stilt legs were black as the night, but long streaks of red ran down its skin. The flesh was stripped like a peeled potato in places and burned in others. Slowly it moved toward the satellite, each step out of sync.

New step one: kill the jerk. AX10 had done some of the work for me, but the real fun began when Zeus rained down her thunder.

The third prong popped. I was Zeus. Plasma my thunder.

With the blinding speed of Hermes, the spiderthing raced for one of the many lights on the shuttle's exterior, launching itself over most of the clearing with a painful battlecry. The hexagon shielding flashed as it failed to find purchase. Enraged, the creature struck wildly. With each mighty swing, another flicker ran across the hull. My safety bubble wouldn't last long.

I just needed it to last long enough.

With one final blow, the spiderthing punched through the satellite's shield, shattering the light. One by one, each hexagon on the grid faded away. Closing one eye, I aimed my bolt at the outraged beast, leading my shot as it scurried down the hall.

The fourth prong sprang from its casing and I released the bolt. Blue energy streaked through the air, punching through the darkness. For the longest heartbeat in my life, there was nothing. Then the fiery blue hit something dark, bursting like a smoke bubble at one of those fancy restaurants. Red fell from the sky, bubbling in the rain, and the shadow fell from the satellite.

The creature still thrashed as it died. A hissing death sound joined the symphony of screams and rainfall. The acid burned its skin and a putrid stench filled the air, but it was done.

Step one: check.

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