Tabula Rasa

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"A sharp mind is fundamental to magic," Archmage Thorium said, turning back to the class. He paused, stroking his beard as he surveyed the eager young students. Introduction to Science was a required course for any mage at the college and it was the Archmage's favorite to teach. There was something special about a fresh batch of a blank minds waiting to be filled with knowledge and skill. Clay he could shape however he wished. The tabula rasa.

"Our science is for the curious and inquisitive. Throughout this course, you will learn the basics to shape the world as you wish." Archmage Thorium plucked the chalk from his desk, drawing lines on the board. The spell was simple, though it looked elaborate to the uninitiated, calling upon alchemic shapes that had long since been simplified. "You will learn the fundamental rules of alchemy. I will not lie; you will need to memorize more than you have ever before. The forces you will have at your fingertips are powerful and dangerous. But if you keep your wits, by the end of this course you will have mastered the basics to further your education at the university.

"By the end of your education here, you will possess the skills necessary to discover and perfect new magic."

To punctuate his point, Archmage Thorium tapped the chalk against the board and waited a beat. Nothing happened.


"I believe that each of you possesses what it takes to become an Archmage one day," he recovered. Once the lecture was finished, he would confirm the alchemic symbols he drew. Surely one had been off. He had written out this spell many times before, and not once had made such an error. It was an embarrassment, but fortunately the young students did not know enough to make such a judgement.

"All you need is a sharp mind." Archmage Thorium pulled his pocket watch from his vest. "Now go, enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Next class we will begin our lecture on the alchemic symbols. These are the building blocks to most magic."

One by one, the students filed out of the lecture hall. A few stopped by his desk to introduce themselves, no doubt serious about the study of magic and hoping to be seen more favorably in his eyes. He did the same nearly a century ago when he took his first class with Archmage Cerium.

A few would stick around to research the science. He would remember their interest.

As the class slowly poured out, Archmage Thorium studied the symbols on the chalkboard. His problem was immediately apparent. The symbols were meaningless. Meaningless to him, at least. Each shape around the circle was familiar in the way the delusions of a dreaming mind were, but the longer he stared the less sense they made.

That was concerning.

He had prepared the spell once a year every year for the last eighty, and many more times before then. It should have been as natural to him as basic arithmetic. Yet he was slipping.

Quickly, Archmage Thorium erased the markings from the board. This was the first time that had happened, and it would be the last he was sure. He never made mistakes and he certainly was not as old as his colleagues claimed when they whispered behind his back. But it was better that they had no evidence.

Just in time too, as Archmage Europium burst into the lecture hall, moving frantically.

"Archmage," Archmage Thorium greeted.

"Have you noticed it yet," Archmage Europium said, disregarding pleasantries.

The two were friendly rivals for half a century until Thorium took his post as the head of the university. Now they were just colleagues. Still, Archmage Thorium was cautious.

"Have I noticed what?"

"Recite the universal laws of thermomancy. No, wait - recite just one law."

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