Story Prompts

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Your sibling died on a mountain climb, buried deep in the snow in an unknown location off the main trail. You hike that same mountain today in their stead, hoping to place a family flag at the summit.

Chosen One
What do you mean "Chosen one"? I only wanted a coffee'

Heroes and Villains
Write a story from the perspective of the hero, but when you read the second sentence of each paragraph, it's the perspective of the villain.

The Match Bus
With the world starting to revolve around dating sims, websites and apps, a new method was also introduced. It was called a Match Bus. These buses pick up anyone who is looking for a new partner. Getting nowhere with the other methods and as wired as they were to you, you give one a try.

3 bed, 2 bath
"Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath house in historic Apple Hill Neighborhood. Great Schools, Free Ghosts!"

How to Forgive Your Imaginary Ex
You no longer want to be with your girlfriend but you do not have the heart to break up with her. You decide to delete all trace of yourself from every single online platform including images of yourself on her own phone in order to make her believe you never even existed.

Confessions (2 Parts)
Unknown to you, your girlfriend is part of a secret organization sworn to stopping an ancient evil. Unknown to her, you are that ancient evil.

Space Story
Humans excel at one thing: Endurance. It is the driving force of the species, the mental and physical stamina to chase something down no matter how long it takes. And we're currently at war with a species whose greatest trait is patience.

Polar Vortex
A polar vortex descends on a small town awakening a legendary creature spoken of in native lore.


There is a future where the letter E and all words that use it have been phased out. Write a story about this future while also not using the letter E

Summer Fling
Death refused to even look at you before reviving you. This is the 97th time you've died in 40 years. You unknowingly had a short fling with Death, while in human form, and when things got weird you ghosted her. Now she won't let you die and things get more complicated every time you come back.

The Scam
You work as a psychic; that is, you go to peoples' homes and chant some gibberish to scam them out of their money. You're a firm believer that ghosts aren't real, but hey- whatever makes money. Tell the story of the time you came into contact with a real ghost.


Superheroes have their powers granted by the Devil, and when they die they become supervillains under his control

Houses & Dragons
A society of completely ordinary humans live together on one planet with an equal amount of hyper-intelligent, fire-breathing dragons. How do they get along? Answer: They don't.

A stray cat and a house dog fell in love. They promised to be together forever. Well, when death finally tears the loving couple apart, they are reborn as humans! Unfortunately, upon reuniting in their human forms, it seems only cat remembers their promise.

Lion. Witch. Wardrobe.
After putting the garbage out on the curb, you turn to head back into the house. Squinting, you're almost sure you just saw two eyes briefly looking back at you from the upper window; but that's impossible - you live alone.

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