Chapter 1/ August 11th

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I woke up to the sound of birds, literally, they're high-pitched those animals!

I got dressed as normally and left my flaming red hair down, as I liked. Then, I remembered something. It's August 11th. It's my birthday. Sweet 15? I don't like thinking on the idea of having sweet 15 or 16, too girly for my like.

I ran downstairs to see if anyone was already woke up, but the living room was empty. I sighed and looked around. Immediately after that, I see a sort of grey owl fly towards me and hand me a letter. I recognise the letter immediately. Allana's. "Thank you, Foggy." I smiled to the owl, I know, Allana picked the name up, that's why it's weird. I open it as fast as I can.

'My lovely Ginger-bread Ginny.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm sorry if I woke you up, I actually woke up all my family, but meh. Okay, I'll get straight into the point. It happens to be that we all three live very near of each other. But you obviously know how I'm an idiot and denied Emily that fact over for 5 whole years. Anyways, we were thinking we could meet each other's houses! Like first we go for breakfast to my house, then for hard meal, to Emily's, and then, finally for dinner, yours. Don't worry, we already fixed this up with your parents. So, come NOW to my house. I think it's a pair of kilometres away from yours, since I think I can see your house through my window. It's easy to spot it, because we have a sign that says 'Mi casa es tu casa' which means something in Spanish, I guess, it could actually be saying that we are all asses, and we still keep it there. Oh, well, and if you're too lazy to walk to the house, use your Floo network and say 'Manecly Hollow'.
Smiles from,
PS: Emily's already here...'

I laughed at Allana's way of writing, even when she's writing, she gives sparks of her personality. I left a note to Mum telling her where I am going and when I'll be back. I ran to the Floo powder and grab some while the flames begin to appear. "Manecly Hollow" I said, trying not to breathe ash. Again, the same spinning sensation evaded me, it seriously was uncomfortable. But it didn't last long, I soon found myself in a pacific living room, much more tidy than our whole house, Allana's parents must have made her to keep it ordered, since I don't think Allana is quite tidy....

"GINNY!" Emily ran to hug me. "Oh, my gosh, happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Emily." I smiled at her.

"HEY! DON'T FORGET ME!" Allana suddenly appeared and ran towards us, throwing us and a pot to the ground, breaking the pot.

"ALLLANA!" A woman's voice yelled from the corridor.

"Ugh, it's only a pot, Mum." Allana rolled her eyes.

Then, Allana's Mum entered the room. She was a tall woman, with long light brown hair, she was much alike to Allana, except Allana has crystallised light blue eyes, and her mother has them brown chocolate. "Reparo!" Allana's Mum said, waving her wand, and immediately, the pot was repaired.

"Hello, dears." Mrs. Lewis greeted Emily and me, hugging us, I can't know where Allana got her craziness.

"Nice meeting you." We both said.

"I'm Wendy Lewis, you can call me Wendy, anyway." She told us smiling.

Suddenly, we heard a baby's cry.
"I'm coming, Lizzy!" Wendy shouted.
Emily and I turned to Allana.

"What?!" Allana raised her hands.

"You never told us you had a sister!" Emily exclaimed.

"Oh, you don't want to know.... She's a monster!" Allana shook all over.

"Wonder from whom she inherited it..." I sarcastically said.

"I mean it! She's a baby monster!" Allana insisted.

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