Chapter 9/ Fog in my Mind

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"Ashley, are you sure they'll forgive

each other?" I asked placing some bacon in my plate.

"Time will tell, Ginny, but I'm quite sure they will, I mean they're nail and dirt, they can't just spend the rest of their lives without each other..." Ashley said reassuringly. I took a look to Emily, who was sitting across me, with Gavin by her side. Emily's gaze wasn't the same I remembered, her look was now sad, she had bags under her eyes and was pale as snow. Then I slowly turned to Allana, she wasn't Allana that much now, she became cold, cold with the world, with everyone except Grey, with him she wasn't the normal Allana, though. She was a dumb little girl who was in love, not Allana Lewis. I was sincerly very worried, because today is Quiditch, and with Allana and Emily like that, I don't like the possibilities. Without mentioning Ron, he's also pale as death and won't drink or eat anything at all.

"Ron, please!" Hermione begged. "Eat something..."

"Not hungry..." Ron muttered. I took my seat again aside Harry and took a bite of the bacon. I noticed Harry was grabbing a goblet and pouring Pumpkin Juice in it. "What are you doing?" I asked moving my head sideways. He put a finger on his lips making the 'Hush' sign.

"Good luck today, Ron! I know you'll do brilliant!" Lavender Brown came and hugged Ron. I could hear Allana huffing. That's what was probably left of her now. Her ships. Hermione gave Lavender a murdering face that scared her away.

"Juice?" Harry asked placing the goblet near Ron. Ron took it and watched Harry with a strange face.

"Hello, everyone" Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw came to the table with her giant lion hat. "Emily, Ron, Gavin, you look dreadful.." She added. Emily looked like we were on a funeral, extremely turned down. Gavin had also bags under his eyes and wasn't smiling as usual, he was also a little pale. "What's that you put on his drink, Harry? Is it a tonic?" Luna suddenly asked. We all turned our looks to Harry and eventually at Ron, who was about to drink the juice. "Don't drink it, Ron!" Hermione cried. It made me confused, what bad had a tonic? Ron disobeyed and drank it all. Harry was smiling stupidly, sincerly. "You could be expelled for this!" Hermione scolded at Harry. "I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged.

"Come on, Harry! We've got a game to win!" Ron's face suddenly brightened up furiously. They both did a high-five and rushed away.

"Good luck today, Lew- I mean, Allana." Theo Grey suddenly came kissing Allana's cheek.

"Why, thank you, Theo!" Allana said dramatically.

"LET'S GO!" Gavin suddenly bursted taking Emily's hand and running away.

"Hey! Don't pull me!" Emily screeched from the distance. I sighed and surprisingly, Allana did too. She seemed more human when Emily was away.

"Should we go?" Allana smiled vaguely.

"Okay" I shrugged (A/N: That okay reminded me of TFIOS, does somebody else love the book and movie? ._./)


Emily looked even worse when Harry gave his little speech before the game started... "So that's it, and good luck." He smiled.

Before we went out, I ran to Emily. "Emily, what is it? You look like a ghost!" I urged her.

"I-It's just that...." She shivered.

"What?!" I asked. But it was too late. Madam Hooch ble her whistle and soon we were off the ground.


"WEASLEY! WEASLEY!" The crowd cheered. We were currently at the common room, Gryffindor had won, and it was a really good match, but the crowd wasn't cheering for me. They were doing it for Ron. He didn't let a single ball in! That's really good for him.... Wish I could say the same for all of the team, because I didn't mention like 2 weeks ago, Katie Bell was cursed and she's currently at St. Mungo's, so Dean replaced her. And I've mentioned like 100 times Emily has a ghost-like face. Even when we won, she didn't cheer up a bit. Allana, on the other hand, now looked good, she hasn't apologised, but she played wonderfully. "You sure Ashworth is alright?" Ashley asked me looking at Emily who was sat by a corner. "I don't know, but she isn't throwing up, so I guess she's still on good health conditions..." I said over the noise. But then, something spoiled te joy of me, the little I had. Lavender and Ron. Kissing. I felt the world falling. He belongs to Hermione! I turned to look at her, she was walking away. When I was about to follow, I saw Emily walking away too. Emily or Hermione? I decided to go to Emily. I followed her into an empty classroom.

"I was telling you... O-On the match... Gavin a-and I broke up..." She sobbed noticing my presence.

"What?! But why?!" I questioned grabbing her by the arm.

"We b-both weren't treating e-each other like we used to-" Emily sighed.

"Is that why you're crying?" I asked her.

"Kind of- the reason why I'm crying is because I think the real and exact reason why w-we broke up..." She said.

"Why?" I questioned very interested.

"Did you see Theo and Allana kiss?" Emily asked.

"Well, no-" I frowned thinking to myself why she mentioned it.

"Guys! I have something to tell you!" Allana suddenly appeared, she was with Grey also.

"What do you want?!" Emily yelled.

"Explain." Allana answered simply.

I was feeling an enormous amount of fog in my mind.


I'm sorry this is so short! But I needed to cut the chapter there! I can't reveal anything on this one...


Ginny xx.

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