Chapter 7/ WHAT?!

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September had turned into October, October into November. And it had passed quickly, we were now almost ending the month.

"Dang it, Ginny! Why did you accept going with Dean to Hogsmade?!" Allana bursted with red eyes. She has had her eyes red, and I don't mean like the color, but red as if she was crying. I'm going to question her about that matter later on.

"Allana, it's her boyfriend!" Emily reasoned with her.

"Shut it! I'm talking with Ginny Gin!" Allana snapped.

"Emily's right, he's my boyfriend, what did you expect?" I rolled my eyes.

"B-But, what about Harry?! What about me?! I'm going to be all alone, Emily'll be going with G-G-Gavin!" Allana shouted, but it seemed like she was about to cry.

"Allana you've got to stop! This matter isn't real! I can't go out with the one who pleases you!" I scolded at her. I was tired of her trying to get us together, sincerly.


"Allana, no... It's just that..." Emily began saying.

"Just that what?!" Allana snapped. Emily was wordless, same as me, I couldn't express myself.

"T-T-There you got it... I think y-you need me n-no m-more, g-glad you're happy with the ones you chose over m-me. So G-Goodbye, I'll find myself other f-friends." Allana sobbed rushing upstairs and into the dormitory, crying.

I couldn't answer. The world had stopped to me, it was like if time froze. I couldn't think clearly, and by consequence, I couldn't talk. The message Allana gave us didn't sink into me, I just couldn't process it. And judging by Emily's hands on her face, the message didn't sank in her that much too.

We were no longer friends with Allana Melanie Lewis.


Allana's POV

Obviously, I didn't go with either Emily or Ginny to Hogsmade, instead I spent my time with my face hidden under my clothes, although I wasn't crying anymore. Suddenly, I bumped into somebody. "Mind your step, you meatball!" I spat at whoever he or she was.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching." A boy said from behind your book.

"Hey! At least lower the book!" I snapped. It was kind of rude that he bumped into me, and didn't even look up from his book.

He laughed a bit and lowered his book. I recognised him as that Ravenclaw boy Theo Grey, the guy I ship Emily with. He was quite tall, dark brown hair, blue lagoon eyes and white smile with one or two freckles and olive skin.

"You're Lana?" He asked.

"It's Allana." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry. Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Grey asked.

"No. They care more about their boyfriends than me." I shrugged.

"I'm sure they don't. You're just mistaken." He answered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go to The Three Broomsticks, I need some butterbeer." I said rubbing my hands together.


"Two butterbeers, please." Grey told Madam Rosmerta, she nodded and walked away. I looked around the place and found that Ginny, Dean, Emily, Gavin, Harry, Ron and Hermione are also here.

Small world.

"What are you looking at?" I asked Grey, who was staring at nowhere.

"Nothing" He sighed. "Nothing at all."

Then, Rosmerta brought our drinks to us. "Thank you" Grey and I chorused taking a drink.

"Hey aren't your friends here, too?" Grey asked lowering his glass.

"Yes. And I don't care." I shrugged. I kind of did care, because if Emily and Gavin snog, I'm not going to resist much and I'll probably end up crying AGAIN.

"How can you have this mood in a situation like this one, Gavin?" I heard Emily's voice cry, and I immediately turned to see the matter.

"I'm just trying to cheer you up, Emily!" He yelled back.

"Well, your method is simply MEAN!" Emily spat.

"It's just that you're too moody!" Gavin shouted. Emily didn't answer and turned away from him.

I sighed loudly and ran a hand through my messy hair. While I did this, I noticed Grey sighed too, he was also looking at Emily and Gavin. I know this is being horrible, but FINALLY they have a fight, I didn't think this day would come.

Grey coughed. "Those were Ashworth and Stewart fighting, right?" He asked trying to sound uninterested.

"Yes, yes they-" but I was cut off by another sight. Ginny and Dean. Snogging. I wanted to throw up everything I had eaten, I HATED their couple. My gaze turned from them to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron looked like he was about to throw up also. Hermione was scolding at him (what a miracle! Note my sarcasm). Harry had a expression that clearly read: 'I wish I was in that git's place'.

Hermione's POV (Merlin, it's the first time I write in her POV, hope this DOES sound like Hermione!)

"I want to leave..." Ron said after Ginny and Dean kissed.

"Come on. It's only a kiss! Do you think she'd want leave if she saw you kissing me?" I laughed giving an indirect message at the same time. Ron glared at me. This man is complicated. How can I bloody tell him I like him without telling him actually?! I know, that sounds weird. Harry had a clear expression that read: 'I'm dying for Ginny'. I'm glad to say I knew this would happen. I'm quite sure Harry had always loved Ginny, but was too blind to see it.

"Hey, isn't that Lewis and Grey together?" Ron asked pointing to Ginny's friend and another boy, by name Theo Grey. I once studied with him, he's very clever.

"Merlin! Thank God the girl finally found her match!" I sighed covering my face.

"I don't think they're a couple." Harry spoke up eagerly.

"Why?" Ron and I asked.

"They don't seem like a couple." Harry shrugged.

"That doesn't matter." Ron said.

"Of course it does" Harry frowned.

Ginny's POV

"How was it at Hogsmade?" Emily asked when we got back.

"Great, nice." I shrugged. "What about you?"

"Gavin and I... Fought." Emily said sadly.

"Oh, yeah, we heard." I nodded.

"I don't know what will it be of our relation." Emily sighed.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine." I conforted her.

"Hope it is..." She said. I nodded and was about to leave when...

"Hey Ginny, did you see Theo Grey and Allana together?" Emily asked.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the update! I felt this was a bit small, though.

So, who do you think Allana will end up with after all? Comment what you think!

Vote, Comment, keep reading!

Live strong,

-Ginny Weasley xx.
PS: Happy Birthday Hermione Granger! Happy Birthday to you!

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