Chapter 10/ First Move

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"Explain what?! Explain why you became an animal with us?! This must be good..." Emily cried.

"Part of it. And also why Grey and I were dating..." Allana nodded.

"What do you mean? You both ARE dating." Emily frowned.

"Nope" Theo Grey suddenly appeared.

"Then what about your kiss?!" Emily yelled.

"Will you let me speak?" Allana snapped. Emily let out a huff, but nodded.

"Okay. Remember when we got angry? When I said the thing about boyfriends?" Allana began. We nooded. "Well, happens that that same afternoon, when we went to Hogsmade, I found Grey. And we both had a talk." Allana continued.

"Lewis told me the whole lot about you three fighting and not being friends anymore. And she asked if we could put up this theatre of us being a couple, for you to know the feel." Theo explained.

"That wasn't normal! You went too far!" Emily shouted.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. There's the part Im going into." Allana cut her off. "At first, I was absolutely sure I was only teaching Ginny and you a lesson, but then, I noticed something else... I began noticing Gavin and you were fighting, a lot. Your moods weren't the same, y-you were always huffing with each other..." Allana kept saying.

"And you loved it, didn't you?! I'm not stupid, Allana! I know you like him! You like Gavin! I stayed quiet about it, because I thought it'd pass, but it didn't! And the next thing I know is Gavin also has feelings for you! That's why he was so- different!" Emily yelled. I was frozen. Too much information in one gulp.

"And I might look stupid Emily, but after a few days with Grey, I got to the conclusion he liked you... And a couple of days passed, and I also realised you like him. To make it clearer, today the puzzle was complete for me. When you glared at Grey, glared at me, and when Gavin pulled you away when Grey arrived. It all fits! And now, you said you saw us kiss? I wouldn't be surprised, Emily, you created that, we never... I mean, eew. The point is I'm an arse, I should've figured out before- this. Can we be friends?" She finished stretching her hand.

"How did you know it?" Emily asked. "About Theo. Nobody else knew..."

"It became quite obvious." Allana shrugged. "Jealousy"

Emily turned. Took a sigh, and tended her hand. "Mischief managed" She said while shaking it, I don't know where she got that from.

"And sorry you broke up. I-It's all my fault" Allana added.

"Don't worry about that, we ended being friends as always." Emily waved it off. "But now.." She said, and suddenly threw herself over Theo. "I love you" She cried on him. "I love you too" He answered.

Allana coughed. "Excuse us. But I'm single by the moment so make your couple games later." She said. "And, Ginny. I'm talking serious when I say you and Harry are perfect for each other." Allana whispered turning to me. I sighed. And then, it striked me. "Hermione" I murmured. And I ran through the halls, until I heard some sobs. Oddly familiar. "It feels like this" A voice spoke, Harry's. What did it feel like that? I didn't dare to enter, they were obviously having a moment only them both. But the same question bugged me. What's Harry talking about?


(A/N: I'll change a little the dialogue in here)

"So it's clear we won't see a hair from the bloody git that Percy is, right?" Fred asked to Mum. "No, I think he has work at the ministry..." Mum answered. "Or he's the world's biggest idiot. One of those two options..." Feed shrugged while George laughed. I sighed and got upstairs to my room. Christmas vacations. My favourite, you get to be with family, gifts, the humour, etcetera. It was quite late though, so I decided to put on pyjamas. It was pink with lace on the sleeves. I decided to go down again just in case of Mum needing me. She said she's fine and that I should go to sleep straightaway. I sighed and began climbing the stairs when I found Harry, he was staring through the window.

"What are you watching?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"Nothing. Just you know, the horizon." Harry answered. I giggled.

"Your shoelaces..." I murmured going down to tie them.

"Merry Christmas, Harry" I smiled to him when we got up, we were centimetres away.

"Merry Christmas, Ginny." He replied getting even closer.

"What aghe you doing?" Fleur suddenly asked and we got separated by the moment. I forgot to mention... Bill and her are going to marry... Yay! PS: note my sarcasm. I still don't know why I'm their bridsmade...

"We're obviously are eating chocolate cake!" I sarcastically said, making Harry laugh.

"Don't be 'idiculous, now go up! Time to sleep!" Fleur glared at me.

Stupid Veela.


I felt like a total forever alone. Since we had forgiven Allana, Gavin and her started dating, and Theo and Emily were together too. It was a real fury, you know. Everyone's with the person they love, and Err, it is what it is. So when we boarded the train back to Hogwarts, I tried to have a nice moment with Dean, but we ended fighting...

Now I'm confused again. I'm starting to think Harry and I are much more compatible than Dean and I, so I really don't care if Dean and I break up now. Hermione and Ron are having trouble, too. I know Hermione loves Ron, and I'm quite sure that Ron loves her back, but Lavender Brown makes Hermione get on her nerves. Hermione and Ron haven't talked probably in weeks or more. Just hope they realize they love each other soon.

"I mean, he's an ARSE! Why would he date that- girl?!" Hermione cried, we were on the same compartment currently.

"Hermione, I know Ron's an arse, and he probably wants to make you jealous with her..." I sighed.

"HE IS GETTING ON MY NERVES!" Hermione shouted looking like she was about to explode.

"Mione! Slow down! They'll break up any moment!" I told her.

"I hope so... Yeah..." He gave in.

I took a deep breath. I'd break up with Dean, and I'll find Harry's heart. Game on. This is my move.


Hiii guys, hope you enjoyed it :D @potterheadgeek01 sorry for not answering your question yet, I'll try to reply, but I have been writing a lot for ths fan fic....


Ginny xx.

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