Chapter 5

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You groaned when your alarm went off the next morning. You had school, but the second you opened your eyes, you knew that school was a terrible idea. Your entire body ached, your throat was sore, and you were a sniffling disgusting mess. Worse, you were shaking with chills, though you knew it was perfectly temperature controlled in here. It was like you had gotten the flu overnight.

You fwumped back in your bed and wrapped yourself in a blanket cocoon. "Jarvis? Can you please ask Cap to call the school and tell them I'm sick?" you croaked. Your throat was so sore.

"Yes, Miss," Jarvis replied. With that done, you closed your eyes to try to get back to sleep and hide from how bad you felt.

You weren't surprised when there was a knock on your door a minute later. "Y/N?" Cap called.

"Come in," you managed to get the words out. You were not getting out of bed to answer the door.

Cap, the mother hen, came in and sat on the side of your bed. You looked up at him with fever glazed eyes. "I'd ask what's wrong, but you're clearly sick," Cap commented gently. He placed a hand to your head. "You're burning up. Have you taken anything yet?" he asked. You shook your head. He went to your bathroom and came back with cold meds and a glass of water. "Take these." You took the meds without question. "Get some rest, feel better," Cap bid you as he stood again.

"Witchling?" Loki asked from your doorway, concern in his voice, which only seemed to increase when he saw Cap in your room. "You did not come down for breakfast. You are going to be late for school,"

"Loki, good, you're here. Y/N is really sick. The rest of us have to go out. Can you keep an eye on her?" Loki looked downright shocked to hear someone say it was good that he was anywhere.

"Of course," Loki replied, keeping the regal manner he still used on most of the others.

"Feel better, Y/N. Don't worry about school. I've taken care of it,"

"Thanks, Cap," you croaked. He nodded and left your room, leaving the door open. His propriety couldn't face having you alone in the room with a male with the door closed.

The second Cap was gone, Loki rushed over to your bed. You managed to sit back up, though broke into a coughing fit when you did. He wrapped an arm around you while you coughed. "Witchling?" he asked softly.

"I'm ok," you croaked.

"You are not ok," he replied dryly.

"I'm just sick. I'm human, it happens," you tried to reassure him. He didn't look convinced.

He placed a cold hand against your forehead. You nearly melted in relief. "You're burning up," he said softly.

"It's a fever," you murmured, still melted under the immense relief of having his cold hand against your forehead. "Comes with being sick." You weren't always sure what things about Midgard he actually didn't know, so you ended up overexplaining things to him. He didn't seem to mind, and seemed more glad that you would go out of your way to make sure he was included in the conversation and knew what was going on.

He gave you a small smile. "That, I can help with a least." You looked up at him confused. He stripped off his shirt and settled himself against the pillows on your bed. Even through your fever hazed mind, you could appreciate the wonderful view.

"While the view is nice, I'm not sure how this is helpful," you teased, had you been thinking clearly, you would probably not have told him you appreciated the view. He laughed and pulled you to him, letting you lay your head on his cool chest with his equally cool arms wrapped around you and his cold hand on your forehead. You purred and melted in relief. "How-?" you managed to ask.

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