Chapter 19

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  You spent the next month in even more lessons than usual. It was a nightmare. You had school, magic lessons with Loki, magic lessons with Doctor Strange, dancing lessons with Thor and Nat and occasionally Tony and Pepper, plus actual combat lessons. You passed out on the couch over your homework more than one night from overwork. "Witchling, you have got to learn to pace yourself and say 'no' occasionally," Loki scolded gently one night as he carried you to your bed after you'd passed out on the couch trying to finish your calculus homework.

"I can say no," you murmured, only half-awoken by his words.

"Sure you can, witchling," he chuckled. "I have yet to hear you say that you cannot take on an additional training or lesson,"

"That's cuz I can," you replied. He sighed in loving exasperation.

"You do not have to keep proving yourself. You are already part of the team, and they need to learn to respect your limits," he reminded you gently.

"I love you too," you murmured, cuddling yourself more comfortably in his arms and dozing back off.

One of these days one of the two of you might say the words while you were awake...


Your respite came the next morning. You hadn't even realized the date at first, but knew as soon as you went down to breakfast the something was wrong. Everything felt wrong and you could smell the magic in the air. On a hunch you asked. "Jarvis, what's today's date?"

"It is April the first, miss,"

"Shit," you mumbled. You cursed again when the elevator doors open and you spotted the rest of the team. You should not have come downstairs today.

"Y/N! What's going on?!" Cap demanded when 'he' spotted you. The trouble was that all of the team was currently the opposite gender. They all looked pissed, except Thor who was just shoving your poptarts in his currently female face.

You shrugged as you stepped into the room and onto the battlefield. You hadn't been affected by this spell. "No idea. It wasn't me," you replied, actually innocently. You had nothing to do with this. You tried so very hard not to laugh at Tony playing with his boobs.

"You're the only one not affected," Bruce said logically.

You shrugged again and stole some of the poptarts from Thor. Thor growled at you, but the effect was diminished out of a female throat. You kissed him on the cheek in reply, enjoying annoying your adopted older brother. "Thanks for sharing," you grinned. "I didn't know anything about this until I walked off the elevator. And before you ask, I haven't seen Loki this morning and don't know where he is. He's probably laughing at all of the chaos,"

"You're supposed to keep a leash on him," Tony grumbled, finally looking up from his new boobs.

"Even if it were my job to keep a leash on him, which it's not, since he's my boyfriend, not my prisoner; today is April Fool's Day. Even I'm not stupid enough to try to think I have any control over anything he does today. My advice is try to stay in his good graces so the pranks don't get worse," you told them as you sat with Thor to eat poptarts. "At least you're all still pretty," you added, earning you more glares and curses from the team.

"And why are you unaffected?" Clint asked.

"It is unwise to upset one's kærasta," Loki's voice came from the elevator, but it wasn't quite right. You turned with everyone else to watch the beautiful woman with long black hair step out of the elevator. You grinned and got to your feet to rush over to Loki.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now