Chapter 75

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Loki teleported the two of you back to the tower. You let him do the honors. It made him feel better to take care of you and you knew it, so you let him do it. You reappeared in the common room and his grip only loosened on you when you were safely back at the tower. The rest of the team jumped to their feet when you arrived and rushed over. They'd all been worried about you and all felt terrible that no one had been able to find you. Though Stark felt worst of all, since the garage should have been safe. He swore up and down that he increased the security on the garage so this would never happen again. You had no doubts on that point, especially as Loki wasn't going to let you out of his sight when you were remotely vulnerable.


The rest of your engagement sped past as you were busy with last minute wedding prep which was insanely difficult to do across the realms. Somehow you managed. You and Loki returned to Asgard a week before the wedding to finish the wedding prep with Mama Frigga. Thor would be bringing the rest of your friends for the wedding the day before. You had rooms set aside in the palace for them and they were getting tours of Asgard before hand.

You weren't expecting Lady Sif, Nat, and Wanda to take you out drinking the night before your wedding as an impromptu bachelorette party. So you all went to a tavern in the city next to the palace. Even Loki had to admit that Lady Sif, Nat, Wanda, and you were perfectly capable of defending yourselves if you ran into trouble. Not that you expected to, everyone in the kingdom knew who you were after you'd ruled by Loki's side for months. Plus all of the nobles and foreign dignitaries from the nine realms were here for your wedding tomorrow. So of course all of the male workers at this tavern knew who you were when they saw your group. And somehow you saw quite a bit more of them than you ever wanted to. Apparently some bachelorette traditions transcended the realms.

You were still more impressed with Loki's assets. But you were a bit biased on that subject.

Loki hated that you had to sleep apart that night, but the tradition was the same on Asgard as the one you knew that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. So you kissed him goodnight very well and retired to your own suite to try to get some sleep.

The next day was going to be long.


At least Mama Frigga let you sleep in the next morning. You had a lovely breakfast with her, Sif, and Nat in Frigga's sitting room. You spent the rest of the day getting your hair and makeup done and other last minute things. You really didn't know where the time went. It all passed in a blur.

Suddenly you found yourself standing outside of the throne room in a gorgeous white dress with Sif and Nat in their beautiful blue dresses, the exact color of your magic. "You ready for this?" Nat asked you with a smirk.

"A year and a day has been too long," you whined at her in reply and she laughed.

All too soon the procession music started and Nat and Sif left you to make their way down the long aisle to stand in their places as your bridesmaids. Once they were in place, the music changed and the double doors opened again and you slowly made your solitary way down the long aisle full of nobles up to the throne where Loki waited for you. He was dressed in his formal finery, including his golden horned helmet.

At least Frigga had promised the ceremony should be short as the engagement hand-fasting was the long ceremony. This was just a confirmation that you were still committed to being married.

You felt everyone's eyes on you as they stood to watch you walk down the aisle and kept reminding yourself not to trip, to stand tall, to not drop your flowers. All of your thoughts left your head when Loki's eyes caught yours, when you saw the love and adoration in his eyes, when it took every ounce of his self control to not let his mouth drop open when he saw you in your wedding dress. You took his open amazement for the compliment it was.

You made your way to him and handed your bouquet to Sif to hold. It was one of her jobs, after all. Loki had Thor and Bucky as his groomsmen and you weren't at all surprised. Bucky was Loki's best human friend and Thor was his brother, the two would be side by side in all things.

You took Loki's hands in yours and Frigga stepped up to you as she did at your engagement ceremony. "A year and a day ago my son, Loki Odinson and his lady Sigyn Freyadottir pledged their commitment to each other and before all of us to join their houses in marriage. Today we come together again to seal the bond in matrimony," she looked at Loki. "Do you still wish to take Lady Sigyn as your wife, my son?" She asked him warmly.

He inclined his head. "I do," he said with a bright honest smile. You loved seeing him so happy.

Frigga turned to you next. "And do you still wish to take Prince Loki as your husband?" She asked just as warmly, just as formally.

You couldn't take your eyes off of your Loki. "I do," you replied.

Frigga drew her golden cord from wherever she had hidden it and wrapped it gently around yours and Loki's joined hands. "As your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in the commitment of love and trust. For always you hold in your own hands the fate of this union. Above you are stars and below you is earth. Like stars your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow. May these hands be blessed this day. May they always hold each other. May they have the strength to hang on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. May they remain tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their wondrous love. May they build a relationship founded in love, and rich in caring. May these hands be healer, protector, shelter, and guide for each other," it was the same speech she'd had at your engagement ceremony, but it ended differently. She unbound your hands and handed you each a ring. "As you cannot be bound together physically for the rest of your lives, may these rings be a symbol of your eternal connection," Frigga told you both. Loki lifted your left hand and slipped the slim ring onto your ring finger. It matched your engagement ring perfectly. You did the same, slipping his wedding band onto his left hand as well.

"May I present to you for the first time, Prince Loki and his wife, Princess Sigyn. Loki, you may kiss your bride," she announced. Loki dipped you backwards and kissed you well to roars of applause from the gathered nobles and dignitaries, plus your friends and family.

Once the kiss was over, the pair of you led the procession to the feast. You had a table to yourselves, but only got to eat when Thor and your friends held the well-wishers at bay long enough for you to get some food. The night was wonderful and full of dancing, plenty of drinks, and an occasional bite of something to eat. Mostly, you accepted your well-wishes from your friends and family, and of course the 12,000 dignitaries.

Per tradition, you and Loki shared a goblet of mead. You couldn't help laughing when Thor came over to place Mjolnir on your lap. Loki growled at him. "It's tradition, brother!" Thor replied innocently. It was tradition for Mjolnir or a replica of it to be placed in the lap of the bride as a prayer to Thor for offspring. Thor was also a god of fertility among other things, and his hammer, well... it was a symbol of said fertility.

At the end of the evening, Thor's idiot friends and Thor himself lifted the pair of you on their shoulders to carry you to Loki's suite. Which was also tradition to escort the newly weds to the marriage bed to ensure the marriage was consummated. At least you didn't have to do that in front of them. Because that wouldn't happen. Ever.

Your lips met Loki's the second you were alone and you weren't sure who initiated the kisses, which of you initiated more than kisses, or where your clothes disappeared off to. That wasn't important at the moment. "I love you, my wife," Loki purred huskily in your ear as you fell into bed.

"I love you, my husband," you purred in reply before your lips met his again.

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