Chapter 57

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  You stared in horror at the spot where Loki had been for an instant longer until your brain kicked back in and decided to function again. You closed your eyes, focusing on your senses and magic. You felt Loki's location in an instant and were summoning power to teleport to him when a hand clamped firmly around your wrist.

"Don't," Thor told you firmly when your eyes snapped open so you could glare at him. You drew a dagger and held it to his throat.

"Unhand me," you snarled at him.

"You do not have enough power left to teleport us both, so I think not," Thor told you firmly, his grip tightening on you. He knew damn well that you couldn't teleport away from him while he kept a hand on you.

"Let. Me. Go. We have to go save him!" you protested with tears in your eyes. It didn't matter that you were swaying on your feet, it didn't matter that your magic was next to tapped. The only thing that mattered was that some piece of walking carrion had stolen your Loki and you had to go save him.

"We will," Thor told you gently. "When we have recovered, when we have regrouped, we will go rescue him. We cannot hope to win when we are half-cocked and unprepared. You are in no shape to fight. This plot was designed to weaken you and Loki so they could sneak you away. Whatever their plot, they want you for it,"

"He let them take him to save me," you protested weakly.

"He did," Thor agreed, his voice was sad, hurt, but still had the gentle caring edge to it. "Loki knew what he was doing, sister dear. He is a warrior and we have been through centuries of battles together. He can and will weather whatever happens until we regroup. They will not kill him. They need him as bait for you,"

"The Aesir can take a lot of pain before dying," you protested again. You had to go now.

Thor inclined his head. "We can," he agreed. "Loki will survive and we will rescue him as soon as we have recovered enough to do so successfully. We all will. He will not want you to risk yourself going after him in this state,"

"I can't- Thor- we have to-" you couldn't string the protests together. Why didn't he understand that you had to rescue Loki now, before they could hurt him or worse? In one movement of Thor's, your dagger was clattering to the ground and you were somehow over his shoulder. "Thor!" you protested, the tears in your voice now as well as your eyes.

"I know. Rest, Lady Sigyn," he told you.

"Thor! Sig! Is she ok? Where's Loki?" Cap demanded when Thor left the ballroom with you to meet up with the others who were still with the children.

"Loki was taken. This attack was a plot to abduct Lady Sigyn. She is uninjured, just drained of power and distraught. Whoever did this knew exactly how to take her and Loki out of the fight," Thor explained. He held you firmly over his shoulder while you protested weakly that you had to go save Loki now. You weren't exactly thinking logically...

"How is she even still here?" Nat demanded. "In this state she should have teleported to him by now,"

"She is too low on power to teleport more than just herself, and she cannot teleport alone while someone else is touching her," Thor explained.

Clint sighed. "This is going to be a long night of babysit-the-healer, isn't it?" he asked.

"We could just drug her..." Tony suggested. You weren't sure if he was joking or not, but you were officially too out of it to protest either way. The adrenaline of the battle was wearing off and your worry over Loki wasn't enough to keep you conscious.

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