Chapter 49

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You were still curled around Lady Loki as the big spoon the next morning. Loki would never admit enjoying being the little spoon, but Lady Loki could and did. You ran your fingers through her long hair as she slept and placed kisses on her cheek and neck. "Feeling better?" you asked softly when she began to wake.

She rolled over and gave you a smile. "Very much so."

"Good," you smiled at her soft, warm expression and gave her a kiss. A few kisses later you both finally remembered you had things to do that day.

"Let me do your hair?" Loki asked after you'd dressed. You tossed her the hairbrush in reply. She giggled, but came over to brush out your hair. You automatically closed your eyes, not liking to watch people work on your hair, it came from anxiety of too many foster parents messing it up when they tried to cut it themselves to save money as opposed to taking you to a hairdresser.

"There. Done. What do you think?" Loki's voice was male again when he asked the question, though hesitant, unsure.

You opened your eyes to look over what he did. Your hair was braided back away from your face as usual, most of the rest of it falling in curls. Except for the single braid that started behind your left ear that fell in front of your shoulder which had a lock of Loki's hair braided into it. It warmed your heart that he would do it. You turned to Loki. "It's beautiful, but your hair-?" he was so vain about his hair. You stood to look for the place where the lock had been taken from.

He chuckled. "It's a-"

"Lovelock," you answered at the same time as he finished his sentence, as you found the spot, but it was well hidden, no one else would be able to see it. He inclined his head, looking surprised you knew already. "I do read," you reminded him with a smirk. He laughed.

"Of course you do, witchling. I can still be surprised that you knew of the tradition,"

You shrugged. "I was waiting for the right time to suggest it, but you're such a peacock about your hair that I didn't think you'd be interested, despite tradition," you hadn't even mentioned it before, but at least you'd been ready in case he made the decision himself. "I won't force you to wear it too," you added. He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I know you wouldn't and I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but it would be an honor to wear my lady's token," he added the last part over-elegantly, overly formally. You grinned and handed him a dagger, turning so he could choose the lock of hair. He would do a better job than you would. He handed you the lock and vanished the dagger a moment later. He looked so put-upon when you sat him in the chair in front of your vanity and got to work braiding his hair. Even the men here wore braids in their hair and it wouldn't look strange if you braided his into a half ponytail. "What are you doing to my hair?" he whined.

You kissed the top of his head. "I'm not hurting it," you replied. "Hush, silly peacock," you teased. He stuck his tongue out at you. You braided the lock of your hair into his just behind his left ear. "There, done," you announced.


Frigga smiled warmly when she saw the lovelocks at breakfast. Loki kissed her cheek when he saw her. "Good morning my dears," she greeted you both. "Darling, your father requested your help with a spell. Why he doesn't just ask me, I will never know," she told Loki kindly. He inclined his head, but didn't look pleased by this development.

"Yes, Mother. I'll go after breakfast," he replied obediently. Frigga was the only one who could get that obedient tone out of him.

"Does he need mine too?" you offered, preferring to go with Loki to protect him from Odin's bad parenting.

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