Chapter 37

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Loki and Thor both relaxed once you all were out of sight of their parents. "That was Mother's subtle way of telling us to go play somewhere else and annoy other people until dinner," Loki explained, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

"So what shall we do instead of bothering your parents?" you teased him, wrapping an arm around his waist. Loki just held up three fingers, then dropped one, then another, then the last.

The second the last finger dropped: "Thor! You have returned!" came a booming voice you vaguely recognized as one of the Warriors Three, though you couldn't remember which one he was. The three of them and Lady Sif were sauntering toward you.

"Friends!" Thor boomed in reply, his face puppy-excited.

"That is why Mother wanted us to go play somewhere else. Thor's friends are quite loud." Loki whispered in your ear. Thor greeted his friends with hugs all around, and a kiss on the hand for Lady Sif.

"So is Thor," you replied with a grin. You often made fun of Thor's booming ways.

"Loki, you can't escape with your lovely lady before you say hello," the blond warrior called before you and Loki could sneak away. That had totally been your plan. You wouldn't mind spending more time with Lady Sif, she was interesting at least, but you had been intending to sneak away with Loki. You weren't so sure about the warrior boys.

"My apologies, Sigyn. The introductions were not done properly the last time you were here," Thor drew everyone's attention to you, so you extra couldn't hide somewhere quiet with Loki.

"We were kinda busy hiding the fact that I was in the palace last time we were here," you reminded him softly. You were going to have to get used to all of the attention soon.

"These are my friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three: Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg," Thor spoke around you, wisely not discussing your last trip here in too much detail. It hadn't ended well. "Gentlemen, this is Lady Sigyn, Loki's official betrothed as of tomorrow evening's ceremony." Each of the warrior boys stepped forward to kiss your hand. You weren't sure what to make of them, but they seemed nice enough. Loki wrapped a possessive arm around your shoulders. You leaned up to kiss his cheek, which seemed to reassure him, and made him smile. His smile seemed concerning to the warrior boys.

"Sif, it's good to see you again," you greeted her with a smile. You knew you liked her. She'd helped you with Loki the last time you were here.

"And you, Sigyn," she replied. She gave a wicked grin to the boys. "If you'd like, I can teach you some new tricks while you're here," she flourished her blade, which extended into a spear, before she spun it back to a dagger and resheathed it.

"I'd like that very much," you replied with an equally wicked grin. All of the boys looked concerned, except Loki, who knew you better. Loki just kissed the top of your head with a grin. You gave him a mischievous grin and pulled him over to the others. "Stand together, you guys," you told them. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and once everyone was together, used magic to hold it and snap the picture of the group. You reached up and grabbed your phone from the air, turning it so everyone could see the picture you'd taken.

"Two questions," Loki started while Sif and the warrior boys stared at the picture in wonder and awe. You looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "First, how do you have pockets?"

You laughed. "I conjured the dress. Of course I included pockets." You weren't going to have a purse here and didn't want to have to conjure everything you needed all the time.

Loki inclined his head, accepting that answer. "Second, why did you bring you phone? You know it doesn't work here,"

It was true, your phone got no reception. "To take pictures. I thought it would be fun. Stark made the battery life like a week, so it shouldn't run out of juice while we're here."

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