Chapter 11

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  "Loki, have you seen Lady Y/N ? She is without her powers, but I cannot find her. She is not in her suite or with Lady Natasha..." Thor's booming voice started breaking through the effects of Loki's tea. He really was loud. He was extra loud because he was worried. You could hear it in his tone.

"Yes. I have seen her," Loki said dryly, not bothering to try to move from where he sat on the bed. You were currently cuddled up against him, your arms wrapped tightly around him and you were using him as a pillow. You made a small noise and shifted slightly. Thor must have finally taken in the scene and realized you were there.

"You are taking responsibility for her safety?" Thor asked. His tone indicated that he would take over the duty for Loki if Loki didn't want the responsibility.

Loki scoffed. "She is my kærasta, of course I am taking care of her. Now get out of here before she wakes and you scare her, oaf,"

"Very well," Thor chuckled. "Be wary, she can be a handful,"

"All Asgardian ladies are," Loki's voice held a smirk. Thor left the room, still chuckling.

"Hope she does not decide to take after Lady Sif,"

"I hope for that with every fiber of my being," Loki said softly as the door to his room closed. He stroked your hair gently. "Are you awake yet, witchling?" he asked softly.

"Almost," you murmured. He chuckled.

"No rush. Sorry that Thor is so loud and annoying." You chuckled at that and finally got your eyes to open.

"What the hell is in that tea?" you asked, still groggy as you worked to sit up. Loki laughed and helped you.

"I may have mixed it a little strong last night," he admitted sheepishly. "I was afraid you would never calm. You were scared out of your wits, witchling," he said softly, holding you in his arms.

"Sorry to have worried you," you mumbled, starting to feel uncomfortable now that you were awake. "Thank you for letting me stay last night," you added. You couldn't remember if you had thanked him already or not.

"Witchling, I am glad you chose my company and overjoyed that you came to me for safety and comfort. You don't have to be afraid," he reminded me. "You're safe here, and you're safe with me." You nodded and curled more comfortably in his arms. He let you stay there for a little while before he spoke again. "We should eat something, darling. You have a choice, either I can go get us something-"

"No!" you protested, holding him tighter. He chuckled.

"Or you can come with me and we can go get food together-"

"No!" you protested again, curling up tighter in a scared ball. This was the safe room.

He sighed, the sound filled with loving exasperation. "Darling, I know you are not feeling well and scared, but do try to keep up. You must eat something more substantial than chocolate cake. There are two choices: either I can go get you something or you can come with me. You are perfectly safe either way," he added that last part when you didn't let go of him.

"I don't want to be alone," you finally told him softly. He kissed the top of your head.

"Then come downstairs with me," he bid you gently. "They are not going to hurt you, and I am sure your family would appreciate knowing the real story of what is going on,"

You hesitated, fighting against the fear that you knew was illogical. You finally nodded. "Ok," you managed to get the word out. Loki somehow extricated himself from your grip and got out of the bed. You followed him, but went to his closet to dig for something to go over your pajamas.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now