Chapter 50

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You woke to the loud sounds of the warriors three. Why were Thor's friends so loud? "Thor, tell your friends to shut up," Loki grumbled, his voice sounding younger than usual. You smiled when you opened your eyes. His eyes were closed and there was a small smile on his face, remembering falling asleep around Thor and his friends when they were children if you had any indication, especially since he was using Thor's cape as a blanket. You leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"Time to wake up, love," you told him softly, praying that the warrior boys wouldn't do anything to upset him.

"Hmm?" Loki asked softly, turning to the sound of your voice, his eyes still closed. You kissed him lightly.

"Wake up, silly Trickster," you told him again. His eyes snapped open and he flushed when he realized where you were. He grumbled something as he fought against Thor's cape to get to a sitting position. The warrior boys cheered and catcalled. You were on your feet in an instant, three daggers thrown at them an instant later. Loki grabbed you around the waist and hauled you into his lap, throwing off your aim just in time so the daggers missed their marks.

"I did warn you not to annoy the healer. She bites," Sif commented dryly, amused at the warrior boys throwing themselves to the floor to keep from being stabbed.

"Darling, Thor's friends tease, but we really shouldn't stab them. They're not being mean," Loki said softly. You just looked at him indignantly.

"They were rude to you. And like you can talk about not stabbing people," you grumbled.

"You're a healer. Please try to remember that occasionally,"

"You grumble about that all the time,"

"Yes, when you're being self sacrificing to save others," he grumbled.

"So you're just going to be annoyed no matter what I do?" you demanded.

He sighed. "No, I'm going to love you no matter what you do,"

"Good," you laid your head on his shoulder and let him hold you for a minute.

"We were going to wake you soon anyway, there's the feast tonight before you three go back to Midgard," Sif reminded you. You sighed heavily.

"That means I have go put on pretty clothes," you whined. She laughed.

"How do you think I feel? I have to be a proper court lady tonight," she whined right back and you both laughed. You finally got off of Loki's lap.

"We should get ready," you told him when he pouted. You still had to bribe him with kisses to get him off the couch. He nearly pulled you back onto his lap instead of getting up. Thor had to threaten to carry him over his shoulder before you really got him up and moving.


You were dressed in a formal gown of a soft material that was forest green in color with a golden braided cord belt as accent and a golden tiara. Again with Loki's colors. You didn't mind, they looked good on you. "You look lovely, darling," Loki told you as he bowed over your hand to kiss it when he met you in the hallway between your rooms. He was dressed in his formal finery too.

"And you look handsome as usual," you replied, standing up on your toes to kiss him. "But I'll be glad to go home. I miss jeans." You were both laughing as you made your way to the feast.

There were toasts in your honor and Thor's, way too much to eat, and way, way too much to drink, and somehow everyone seemed to want to see all of the alcohol end up in you. You had gotten much better at turning them down, though.

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