Chapter One: A Ball

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Sofia stumbled through a hidden door and pushed a tapestry out of the way, mulling over what she would do. This had to be her toughest story yet. How do you prepare a woman for death?

Sofia opened the story book and analyzed the words. Bethany was an old widow who was living alone in a one room house. Her husband had died from a plague that had swept her kingdom which had also taken the queen. Her son was a knight and she hadn't seen him since he left ten years ago. And now Bethany was dying and Sofia didn't know what to do.

"Princess Sofia! There you are!" Baileywick called. Sofia spun around. "Where have you been?"

"I was…flying with Mercy," Sofia hastily said. It wasn't a complete lie. She did go flying with Mercy. To the kingdom Amalgamate.

"Well you have only two hours to get ready so I would hurry to your room if I were you. Your lady maids are going hysteric," Baileywick rattled and checked his pocket watch.

"Uh, why do I need to get ready?" Sofia wondered.

"For the royal ball tonight. For your sibling's eighteenth birthday?" Baileywick prompted.

"Oh, right! I forgot about that!" Sofia exclaimed and started running to her room. "Thanks Baileywick!"

"Baileywick told us everything and I can't believe you forgot about my birthday!" Amber dramatically cried, flinging herself onto a nearby couch, her purple and gold lace skirt falling perfectly around her.

"Our birthday," James added, looking dashing in his purple jacket and cream pants.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time," Sofia explained as she smoothed her purple skirt that overlaid the gold under-skirt. Amber rolled her eyes and straightened the gold bow that rested on the back of Sofia's hips. She sent her older sister a smile of gratitude. Miranda shushed them, then turned back to her husband as the family waited for the trumpets to announce their royal entrance.

"You better have remembered to have gotten me a present. If you didn't, I'll have Daddy throw you in the dungeons," Amber whisper threatened as the trumpet fanfare started and the double golden doors that led to the ball room were flung open.

King Roland II entered, his golden crown catching the light perfectly from its perch atop his ginger head. Queen Miranda was clinging to his arm, looking radiant in a sapphire blue gown. James followed closely, his many golden tournament awards sparkling on his jacket. He too wore a crown, a prince crown, but still a crown. Amber walked next to her twin, waving perfectly at all the party goers, strutting when she caught a knight glance down at her large lace covered chest. Sofia stumbled slightly down the marble steps as she followed her family. When they reached the base a waltz began to play. Roland turned and took Amber's hand while James took Miranda's. Sofia smiled as they lead the first waltz of the twins' eighteenth birthday ball.

A tap on her shoulder told her to turn around. Zander, wearing a tradition deep red vest, revealing a tan six pack, and black harem pants with a small turban resting on his black haired head, grinned up at her from his respectful bow. Sofia barley stifled a laugh. She knew Zander wasn't doing this because he was into her because his wife was standing right behind him. A frosty looking blue haired princess from Freezenburg.

Hildegard was looking ravishing in a belly showing sapphire blue top and matching silk skirt. A thin silver and sapphire filled tiara that sprouted three red feathers from the tip rested on her flowing locks. Sofia smiled at the golden band around her finger. The wedding had been a spectacle in Tangu, about three months ago. Though the marriage had been arranged by their parents because of a drought in the desert kingdom, both royals had been so in love that they hadn't cared.

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