Chapter Ten: A Duel & A Visit

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"We are gathered here to today to witness the union of not just two souls, but two kingdoms as well," the old minister wheezed. Axel's eyes stayed locked on Sofia but she watched the old minister, refusing to look at her fiancé. "Today we witness the union of Princess Sofia of Enchancia and King Axel of Amalgamate. If anyone objects to this union please speak now or forever hold your peace." Silence. "Then, do you, King Axel-"

"I object," Hugo calls out suddenly. Though he hadn't yelled, his voice was filled with power and authority. Everyone gasped and turned to the prince. The minister blinked slowly and Axel glared daggers at his brother.

"I…I beg your pardon," the minister finally said. Hugo stood up, power flowing off of him.

"I object to this marriage," Hugo said simply. "In accordance with Amalgamate's laws I have the right to challenge the groom to a duel for the maiden's hand."

"Well, this has never happened at a royal wedding, so, uh," the minister stuttered and looked at Axel who was seething. Sofia took a hesitant step back. "King Axel, do you, uh, accept?"

"I do," Axel growled and stepped off the alter. He looked at the knights lining the walls. "Prepare the stadium. We will duel in an hour." Then he stormed out of the hall. Hugo nodded and, smirking as he did so, left as well.

"Your Highness," the minister addressed Sofia. "Perhaps you should go to your room and wait for the tournament." Sofia nodded and stumbled down the two steps. Her bridesmaids, Jade, Ruby, and Amber, gripped her arms and led her out of the hall and to her room, to wait for the duel that would decide her fate.

Sofia was escorted by her family back to the booth she had sat in during the tournament. All the wedding guests and anyone who had heard about the duel filled the stands.

"Sofia, did you know Hugo was going to do this?" Roland demanded as they took their old seats.

"I…I didn't know he was going to do this," Sofia said, as if in a daze, confused and stressed.

"But you knew he was going to do something?" Miranda insisted.

"I didn't even know you liked Hugo," Amber gaped.

"Do you?" Jade asked, taking her friend's hand in hers.

"I…I," Sofia stuttered, very aware of all the ears around her but also aware that lying, denying her true feelings, would result in horrid consequences. "I do. I really do."

"Wow," Ruby gasped then hugged her. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Why?" Sofia wondered, confused.

"Because I can tell that you've found love," Ruby said and broke away.

"So you want Hugo to win?" Jade asked. Sofia nodded slowly. "Then we'll cheer so loud that he'll be super encouraged!"

"Sofia," Roland started, his tone frustrated. "The duel is about to start. Get into your seat." Sofia nodded dumbly and obeyed, her knees shaking. The minister walked into the stadium and held up a megaphone.

"Prince Hugo has challenged King Axel to a duel for the hand of Princess Sofia. This duel will be a sword match atop their steeds and will end when one of them either surrenders or perishes," he announced. "And now I bring you our duelers!"

Axel and Hugo road out atop their horses. Lightning strode calmly while Axel's horse clip-clopped nervously. Axel drew his sword and glared at his brother who had his sword calmly leveled at his opponent. The minister quickly backed out of the arena.

"I don't want to hurt you, brother," Hugo said, his body calm and still. Sofia nervously leaned forward.

"You are no brother of mine. Not since you challenged me and tried to take my bride," Axel hissed, voice full of fury.

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