Chapter Six: A Discussed Proposal

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That night, Sofia was dressed in an icy blue gown with golden sparkly swirls on the skirt, Amalgamate's traditional colors. Ruby and Robin flew around her head and twisted it into braids as she sat in front of her mirror. Crystal held a file in her mouth and filed Sofia's nails. Clover sat in a corner with Whatnaught, munching on carrots.

"You look so pretty," Cashew said as she sat on Sofia's makeup stand.

"I do too!" Pistashio cried as she put on of Sofia's ring on her head. Whatnaught laughed at his daughter.

Suddenly, Sofia's bedroom door was thrown open and Amber stormed in. She was a force to be reckon with in a rich purple gown with gold lace on the neckline, hem, and cuffs with a golden sash hanging on her torso and the crest of Enchancia embroidered at the top of the sash. A gold tiara, filled with purple gems, sat atop her blond curls. She looked like a walking Enchancia flag.

"There you are!" Amber cried and plopped onto a small chair next to Sofia. "Where have you been all day?"

"I was out riding with Mercy. It helps clear my head," Sofia answered as the animals scurried to hide. Amber held out a small black jewelry box to her sister.

"Oh, well, Violet told me to give this to you," she sighed. Sofia took the small box and looked at it. It was a ring box. She knew instantly who had sent it. And it wasn't who she wished it was. "Open it!"

"Okay, don't be so pushy," Sofia laughed and flipped open the top. Inside, resting on white silk, was a golden band with two ice blue stones resting on top. In between them was an enormous diamond. It was an engagement ring.

"Wow," Amber sighed as she leaned in for a closer look. "That's gorgeous! You're so lucky. Axel's such a catch!"

"Yeah," Sofia sighed and slipped the ring onto her fourth left finger. It felt weird, like it was burning her finger. She shouldn't be wearing this ring. She didn't want to be wearing this ring.

"What's wrong?" Amber demanded suddenly. Sofia jumped.

"What do you mean?" Sofia laughed nervously, focusing intently on her hairbrush.

"Come on. I'm you're sister. I can tell when something's bothering you," Amber protested and nudged closer. "Spill."

"Well," Sofia started and glanced up at her sister. "You know that this marriage was arranged. I didn't choose this. And I'm starting to wish I didn't have to marry him."

"Sofia," Amber said in her I'm-your-older-sister-and-I-know-more-than-you tone. "You're going to be a queen. And Axel is incredibly rich. You'll have everything you've ever wanted. And, besides, no one was courting you. You never even showed interest in any other guy. I mean, who would you have married? Desmond?"

"No. Desmond's courting Vivian, remember?" Sofia sighed and glanced away. Amber would never understand. And Sofia couldn't tell anyone. Her reputation would be ruined and, with it, her kingdom's.

"Oh right. I forgot. And, Sofia, Amalgamate's a really pretty kingdom. The palace is simply divine," Amber insisted.

"I know. I've been there before," Sofia replied, biting her lip as she remembered all the times she had practiced ice dancing with Hugo on his lake, laughing and enjoying the sensation of his touch as they jumped and flipped through the air. Sofia bit her lip harder with guilt.

"Well, then, I don't see why your complaining," Amber huffed and began pawing through Sofia's makeup stash.

"So who do you want to court you?" Sofia asked, changing the subject to Amber's favorite one. Amber.

"Oh, I don't know," Amber giggled and tossed her head. That's when Sofia noticed something interesting.

"When did you get those earrings?" Sofia inquired and reached up to touch the amethysts dangling from her sister's earlobes.

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