Chapter Eight: A Tournament

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"I have something important to tell everyone," James announced during dinner on Thursday. He stood up and everyone went silent. James swallowed hard, then turned to the castle steward. "Baileywick, can you please send my guest in?"

"Of course, your Highness," Baileywick said as he bowed and left. Amber raised a blond eyebrow.

"Who's here, James?" she asked.

"I proposed to a girl today," James admitted. Amber squealed with glee and Sofia clapped. James turned red. "She said yes."

"Oh, that's wonderful James! Congratulations!" Miranda, his step-mother, cried out happily.

"Who?" Amber demanded.

"She'll be here in moment," James assured his twin. Amber rolled her eyes and leaned closer to the door, as if she could see through. Sofia just smiled, as she already knew who the young woman was. Baileywick came back through the door, grinning wider than he ever had before.

"Attention, everyone, please welcome Prince James's royal fiancé," he said and ushered in the girl. Her dark hair was pulled back with a golden and ruby clip. A red dress hugged her curves and flared out in a great skirt at her waist. And a nervous smile curled her lips. Ruby stood before them, nervous but happy.

"Ruby?" Amber stuttered, not understanding. She looked back her brother for answers.

"Amber, I proposed to Ruby. She said yes," James explained simply. He walked forward and placed and arm around his fiancé's waist and smiled at her. Ruby smiled back, relived, than looked back at his parents, worried once more.

"I'm so happy, for both of you," Miranda sighed happily and wiped her eyes wife a kerchief.

"Welcome to the family," Roland boomed and embraced the happy couple. Sofia couldn't sit still any longer. She jumped up and embraced them as well.

"We'll be just like sisters!" Sofia said, gripping her best friend's shoulders, tears sliding down her face. Ruby nodded and wiped her own eyes.

"We're going to hold the ceremony the Friday after yours, so we don't interfere," Ruby said and smiled. Sofia swallowed and forced Axel out of her mind, focusing on Ruby's smile and joy. "You and Jade will be my bridesmaids, of course."

"And you and Jade will be mine," Sofia instantly responded. She glanced down at her friend's left hand and saw her sparkling ring. "It's a lovely ring."

"Thanks," Ruby sighed and stroked it with a giddy smile. Amber suddenly tackled her with a hug from behind.

"Congratulations," Amber told her and ringed hand. "I have to say, I like much better than the rest of James's options."

"Thank you?" Ruby responded, unsure on how to take Amber's comment. She began to pull her future sister-in-law towards the door.

"Come on. I'll show you to our nicest guest wing," Amber said and the two of them ran off. Sofia glanced over at her brother and her father. They were talking, embracing, celebrating. Miranda approached her daughter.

"This is lovely. You seem to be impacting our entire family," Miranda and hugged Sofia. She smiled and nodded. She was gladded James had proposed, but she didn't like the price it had come at.

"A celebration is in order!" King Roland yelled suddenly. "Baileywick, serve the jiggly wiggly pudding!"

"You are not wearing that!" Amber cried when she saw Sofia's dress on Friday morning.

"What's wrong with it?" Sofia wondered and smoothed her purple skirt. The dress had a white bodice sewn up with purple ribbon and a swishing skirt made of purple ruffles and white lace.

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