Chapter Two: A Proposal

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Sofia walked down to breakfast with a skip in her step. Her plain blue dress hit her mid-shin and was covered with her purple jacket. Her brown hair was pulled into a simple braid down her back and her pink amulet rested right over her heart. Black boots were tied tightly to her feet and her hand was carrying her purple bag filled with anything and everything she might need, including the umbrella her Aunt Tilly had given her just before she died.

James was already in the dining room, shoveling pancakes into his mouth as he read an official document. When James turned fourteen he began to help his father with his work, so that he would be prepared for his reign. And, ever since, James had become a more responsible and a more stressful prince.

Amber was absent from breakfast but that didn't surprise Sofia. After any big party she stayed in bed all day, sleeping of all the wine she had drank the night before. Sofia just hoped she hadn't done anything too crazy last night.

Sofia sat in her seat and began to eat her pancakes when the door opened and Baileywick entered, walking unusually fast. But Sofia didn't notice. She was too busy mentally writing out how she would explain to Charles that his mother was dying.

"Princess Sofia," Baileywick called. "Your mother and father request your presence in the King's private study."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you," Sofia said as she stood up. Curiosity and a slight bit of nervousness raced through her veins. Why would both her parents need to see her? And in her father's private study? Did they know about last night? Would they blame her?

Sofia slowly pushed open the grand oak door and entered the study. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with records and history. A portrait hung on the back wall, a painting of the man sitting behind the grand oak desk in the middle of the room. Sofia's father, King Roland II. Next to him, sitting in a slightly less fancy chair, was his beautiful wife, Sofia's mother, Queen Miranda.

"Mom, Dad," Sofia began, walking into the room slowly, "what's going on?" The answer to her question stood up.

"Hello again, princess," Prince Axel said in his snooty tone as he rose from one of the two chairs facing Sofia's parents. Sofia gaped for a moment before she remembered what was expected of her. She dipped into a low curtsy.

"Hello again, Prince Axel. How…odd to see you here so early in the morning," Sofia responded, silently praying for a way out.

"Well, I like to get going as soon as the sun rises," Axel responded, a smirk on his face. Sofia wondered why he wasn't in bed with a headache, especially since he had mostly likely had more to drink then Amber. Then she realized that he must drink very often. Disgust curdled the milk sloshing around in her stomach.

"I guess we should inform the young princess of the purpose of your visit, Prince Axel," Roland suggested. Axel smiled and sat down again. Sofia perched on the seat next to him, extremely uncomfortable.

"Prince Axel has come to ask for your hand in marriage, Sofia," Miranda told her slowly, as if afraid the news may knock her over. And it nearly did. Sofia gasped and lost all air in her lungs. Sweat began to bead on her face and pink stained her cheeks.

"What?" she gasped.

"He believes the marriage would benefit both countries," Roland said. "That we could finally be trade partners."

"But…But I'm only fifteen," Sofia protested, still trying to wrap her head around it all. Marriage. To Axel! This had to be a dream. A nightmare.

"I've known village girls who got married at thirteen. You should count yourself lucky," Axel told her, his lustful eyes sweeping over her body. Goosebumps erupted on her flesh.

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