Chapter Twelve: An Epilogue

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"Do you, Prince Hugo, take Princess Sofia, to have and hold, through sickness and health, through poor and through riches, until death do you part?" the old minister asked Hugo the next day as he stood under the alter, holding his fiancé's hands.

"I do," Hugo breathed out, smiling with joy. "I do."

"And do you, Princess Sofia, take Prince Hugo, to have and hold, through sickness and health, through poor and through riches, until death do you part?" the minister asked Sofia. She giggled slightly and nodded.

"I…I do," she laughed. The minister nodded, a small smile on his face.

"Then it is with great joy that, by the power in me, I pronounce you husband and wife," the minister declared happily. The crowds cheered and Hugo dipped Sofia, kissing her with all the passion he had.

"I love you," Sofia sighed as they parted.

"I love you more," Hugo said, smirking slightly.

The coronation was a duo affair. Together, they received their crowns and, together, said their vows to protect Amalgamate. After a long feast and a festive ball, the happy newlyweds retired to their bed chambers. Sofia was sitting on the window seat with her amulet in her hands, thinking.

"Are you sure?" Hugo asked her as he sat next to her on the window seat.

"My time is done," Sofia told him. Hugo sighed and traced soft circles on the back of her hand.

"But it saved your life," Hugo protested.

"It's time for me to give the amulet back. It will choose a new princess to protect. My story is over," Sofia said and leaned against her husband's shoulder. She reached behind her throat and unclasped the necklace. The red gem seemed to sparkle for a minute before it dimmed.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"The Secret Library has moved, so I will keep the necklace here. But I can't wear it anymore. This was my final story. When it's ready, the Amulet of Avalor will choose the next story teller." Hugo smiled at his wife and she smiled at him. As one, they leaned in and sealed their story's ending with a kiss.

Sofia the first and Hugo Where stories live. Discover now