Chapter Four: A Happy Ending

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Hugo and Sofia landed their flying horses in the woods near where Sir Charles and the other knights were training for the tournament. Hugo fed his horse, Lightning, a carrot. He was a white horse with a dark purple mane, the son of Minimus and Electra. Sofia had their daughter, Mercy, who had a purple coat and a blonde mane. The horses helped them remember the horses they had as children.

"Their right through here," Hugo said and led the princess towards the knights. They were practicing sword fighting. Hugo approached the general and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ah, Prince Hugo. How may I help you?" the general asked, pleasantly pleased. Sofia smiled. It seemed that Hugo was respected everywhere he went.

"I need to borrow one of your knights. Sir Charles," Hugo told him.

"Of course," the general said and turned back to the knights. "Sir Charles! Prince Hugo needs your assistance!" A tall blond knight with chocolate brown eyes turned around and ran over.

"Your Highness. How can I help you?" Sir Charles asked as he bowed low.

"Princess Sofia would like to take you somewhere. Follow us," Hugo instructed the knight. He led him over to the knights' stable so he could saddle a horse.

"Where are we going, princess?" Sir Charles asked Sofia as he climbed up onto his horse.

"We're going to visit your mother," Sofia said softly as she walked over to the flying horse she was borrowing from Hugo's stables.

"Why?" Sir Charles wondered as Sofia and Hugo climbed up onto their horses.

"She's sick," Sofia whispered as they began to ride down a path leading to Sir Charles' home town. "And she wants to see you before…"

"Before what?" Sir Charles demanded, fear and worry flooding him.

"I'm so sorry," Sofia told him, eyes growing moist. Realization dawned in Sir Charles eyes and he flicked the reigns of his horse, speeding past Hugo and Sofia.

"Let's go!" he yelled over his shoulder.

As the sun fell lower in the sky the three horses and their riders finally arrived at Sir Charles's home town and Bethany's cottage. The horses clopped up the dirt path leading to the one room home. Wild plants grew over the bricks and the roof, untended. A stray cat was sleeping in a tall tree near the door.

Sir Charles leaped down before his horse stopped. He walked up with determined steps and pushed open the squeaky door. Laying on a pile of hay and mats was Bethany. She was skinny and short, with gray hair and extremely wrinkled skin. Dried blood stained her chin from coughing and black diseased swirls ran up her arms. A dumpy brown dress dripped off of her malnourished body and her feet were covered in mud.

At the sound of the door opening Bethany's eyes opened. Bleary blue orbs stared at her son in wonder. Her head raised slightly and a small smile stretched her chapped lips.

"Charles?" her horse unused voice wondered.

"Momma," Sir Charles whispered and nodded. "I'm back." He fell to his knees and wrapped his large arms around her little body. "I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I heard. Are you okay?"

"I am now. I can go home happy," Bethany cried and tears leaked down her dirty face, leaving stains. Sofia smiled and stepped back out the door, leaving them alone. Hugo followed, emotions playing across his face too fast for her to read.

"That was a really nice thing you did," Hugo told her as she sat on tree stump.

"I was just doing my job," Sofia said but she smiled as she looked back through the open door. "But I love this part. The happy ending."

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