Chapter Three: A Tragedy

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"My palace is hosting a tournament on Friday. All my knights shall be in attendance. There will be many competitions involving sword fights, wrestling, and weight lifting. The victor will have the honor of choosing the tournament queen from the stands. You should attend," Axel told Sofia as the coach landed at Amalgamate castle.

"That sounds lovely. May I bring the rest of my family?" Sofia asked, trying to get excited about something that she always loved.

"Of course. But this tournament is just for my knights, so James cannot compete," Axel explained.

The door of the coach was pulled open and early morning sun entered the curtained space. Sofia smiled at its warmth. Axel stepped out and held his hand towards Sofia. She smiled gratefully and took it. As her feet hit the ground she heard angry footsteps coming up the stairs to the carriage platform.

Hugo stormed up the stairs, his expression a mix of anger and grief. His eyes were red, as if he'd just been crying. A black shirt and jacket covered his torso and tight black pants were tucked into black boots. An air of tragedy hung around him like a cloud. Axel just smirked at the sight of his brother. The contrast between the two brothers' expressions twisted Sofia's gut. Something was very wrong.

"Baby brother. I want you to be the first to hear the happy news," Axel began, slipping his arm around Sofia's shoulders. She wanted to shake him off, go to Hugo and see what was wrong. Her heart seemed to be bruising as she watched his obvious pain.

"Where…were…you?" Hugo rasped out, eyes glaring at Axel with extreme hatred.

"I was in Enchancia. Proposing to Princess Sofia," Axel explained, relishing the words, face triumphant. Sofia hated feeling like a trophy. Hugo's dark eyes, full of pain and now pity, flicked towards her before his glare at his brother intensified.

"So, while I was…while Dad breathed…his last breath," Hugo spat and Sofia gasped. "You…you were threatening a kingdom with war so you could win another prize for yourself!"

"What makes you think war was discussed?" Axel demanded, tone light, despite the fact that he had just learned his father was dead.

"No maiden would ever willingly marry you," Hugo bit back. "Why did you go today? You knew Dad was getting worse! You knew that he may not be here the next day!"

"I didn't know Dad was going to die this morning," Axel protested.

"That's the point! You should have been here! But you weren't! I was sending dozens of servants and guards, frantically searching for you so Dad could tell you his last bit of advice!" Hugo yelled, gaining momentum, letting all his emotions out. "But he had to tell me his last words. Because you weren't here! Just like you weren't here when Mom died! Just like when you were wandering away when you should have been watching Anna! You're never here when you need to be!"

"Well, I appreciate the pep talk, baby brother, but if what you say is true, than I need to prepare a coronation and a funeral," Axel responded and began to walk away, but paused when he got next to Hugo. "My fiancé is here to speak with you. Try to remember that she belongs to me." And Axel descended the stairs and entered the ornate palace, Hugo glaring after him. Sofia took a hesitant step forward.

"Hugo?" she whispered.

"I'm sorry, Sofia, but I don't think I'll be off much use to you today. I can barely think," Hugo admitted, gaze pined to the wooden ground.

"That's fine. I know it won't help, but are you okay?" Sofia asked, taking another step forward, yet keeping her distance.

"I…I don't think so," Hugo sighed.

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