Chapter Five: A Secret

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"What's the Secret Library?" Hugo asked, confused.

"This place. And I'm the story keeper," Sofia explained.

"What's that?" Hugo wondered, coming to sit next to her on the bench.

"I'm the one who finishes the stories. All the books on the shelves are unfinished. And it is my job to finish them. The library tells me when I need to finish one and my amulet glows blue to let me know to come. After a book is finished I take them to the palace library because it doesn't go on shelves again," Sofia explained.

"And all those things during the boat ride? What were they?" Hugo asked.

"Those are they symbols of the previous storytellers," Sofia responded.

"But Cinderella wasn't a princess of Enchancia," Hugo protested.

"No. But the library is connected with Amulet of Avalor, so the library moves to the kingdom where the amulet is," Sofia told him.

"But they weren't story keepers. Their stories don't say that!"

"No, because they are the symbols of their first or final story. Every story keepers' first or last story is their own. Jasmine, Ariel, and Merida's stories were there final ones. Cinderella, Snow White, and Tiana's stories were their first ones. When their time is done, they hand the amulet down to someone else or leave it somewhere for someone to find," Sofia explained.

She reached into her bag and pulled out The Widow's Tale. She held it out to the blue structure and it flew into the top section. The bottom section swirled and a painting of Sir Charles holding Bethany appeared.

"Sir Charles held Bethany as she breathed her last, both of them finally at peace," a loud voice boomed. Hugo jumped. The book flew back out and the structure returned to normal.

"What was that?" Hugo asked.

"The ending to the story," Sofia answered, holding the book in her hands. She held it out to Hugo. "Here. I don't need it anymore. You can keep it."

"Really?" Hugo asked in wonder. His large hands traced the golden title.

"Of course." Sofia nodded.

"So this is what you've been doing? For how long?" Hugo wondered.

"Since I was nine, so about six years," Sofia said, smiling as she remembered her first story with her Aunt Tilly.

"What are you going to do when you marry Axel and move to our palace?"

"I'll leave the amulet in the jewel room and it will somehow choose the next story keeper. I hope it will be James' future daughter. I would love to be her mentor."

"Why don't you take the amulet with you? Won't the library move?"

"I guess it would," Sofia mulled. She tapped her chin as she thought. "I'll have to think about it."

A clock in the library suddenly chimed three. Hugo whirled around and paled.

"Axel is going to be home soon. I better go," Hugo sighed and stood.

"It's okay. I understand," Sofia said and stood as well. "Thank you for your help today. I never could have finished that story without you."

"Don't worry. I'll always be here to help you. You're one of my best friends," Hugo promised, taking her hand in his. Tingles raced up the young princess' skin.

"This is wrong," Sofia whispered softly. He was too close. She was letting her heart beat too fast.

"I…I'm sorry," Hugo replied, voice oddly husky. "I just…I hate the idea of you marrying Axel. I'm sorry."

"Hugo, this is wrong," Sofia repeated, fearful. Hugo looked down at the floor.

"If things were different, would you marry him willingly?"


"Who would you choose?"

"I…I don't know."

"Would you consider me?" He was getting closer. He looked down, his dark eyes meeting her crystal blue ones. Emotion was strong and flowed between them, like an electric current.

"I…," Sofia breathed.

Her heart was racing a mile a minute. Emotions flooded her veins and her body. She yearned to close the thin gap between them but she knew that doing so would be the end of them. But here, in this secret room that only Sofia and Hugo knew about, she wanted to bear her soul and confess the feelings and dreams that had been haunting her for months.

"Sofia?" Hugo asked, fearful that he had hurt her.

"I…I would," Sofia confessed. "I wish that we could. I wish this wasn't our only moment."

"This is my fault," Hugo said, reaching for her other hand. His eyes were full of shame. "I asked for permission to court you from Dad. I was going to ask for your father's at the ball but Axel heard me talking to Dad. I couldn't talk to your father because I was watching Axel dance with you, making sure he didn't hurt you. He wanted to prove that he could get you, that he could beat me. And he did."

"You were going to court me? You wanted to ask my dad's permission?"

"Yes. And I wish I had done it sooner. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I'm…I'm glad that you asked your dad. That means so much to me."

"I wish…"

"I do too," Sofia agreed. Hugo smiled and his eyes sparkled. Sofia's breath hitched and Hugo pulled her closer. They were only an inch apart. "We're going to be in so much trouble."

"We'll just never get caught," Hugo laughed and leaned in slightly. But he gave Sofia a chance to pull away. She didn't.

Their lips touched and light exploded in her heart. Hugo's arms wrapped around her waist, pressing her against him. Sofia let her arms wrap around his neck. He dipped her slightly and Sofia nearly fainted. If only this was possible. If only Axel hadn't got to her first. If only…

Their lips parted and they stared at each other for a moment. Then Hugo, still holding onto her hand, led her back out the door and back to the boat. In silence, they floated back to the platform and walked back to the stables. Hugo got on his horse and tied the one Sofia had borrowed to his. He looked down at Sofia, longing and sadness etched in his face.

"Will you be at the coronation tonight?" Hugo asked her, finally speaking.

"Of course," Sofia responded.

"I shall see you then," Hugo said and nudged his horse. He flew up into the air and Sofia stared after him until he was just a speck on a blue canvas

Sofia the first and Hugo Where stories live. Discover now