Chapter Nine: A Wedding Begins

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Sofia stood in front of the ornate mirror that stood at the back of her enormous closet in her new room. Some of her clothes had already been shipped and the rest of her gowns were being brought over tomorrow, along with all of her other possessions.

Because today was the day. The day she married Axel. She wouldn't return home after today, not for a while. She was going to be on her own, stranded with a man she loved and a man she didn't. For the rest of her life.

"You look lovely, my lady," Violet said from the corner of Sofia's new room as she finished sewing the hem on her veil.

"Thank you, Violet," Sofia replied and spun around. The dress was snow white, the bodice sewn up with pearls. The skirt had silver flowers at the bottom and a silver filigree tiara sat atop her carefully curled brown hair. Her pink amulet was resting over her heart. She was going to give it to James tonight so he could put it back in the Enchancia jewel room. But she wanted to wear it one last time.

Violet stood up and hooked on the sheer lace veil on to her tiara and stepped back to admire the look.

"Wow," Miranda sighed as she walked. "You look lovely, sweetie."

"Thank you, Mama," Sofia responded, suddenly overcome with emotion. When she had imagined this day she had imagined butterflies of nervousness and joy in her stomach. But they were butterflies of fear.

"How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Eager?" Miranda asked as she put her hands on her daughter's shoulders.

"Fine. I'm feeling…fine," Sofia answered and blinked away her tears. She didn't want to walk down the aisle in front of the whole kingdom of Amalgamate with tear stains on her face.

"Sofia, I want to give you some advice," her mother told her and led her to a lavish couch in the sitting area in Sofia's room. Violet quietly exited the room, not wanting to intrude.

Miranda took her daughter's hand and looked into her blue eyes. "I want you to be happy. I've done some thinking and I've come to the conclusion that marriage is forever. It lasts until death do you part. Marrying someone is the biggest promise you can make and the biggest decision you can make. Your entire life will change, your children will come from this, and you will spend your entire life with this person.

"Happiness should come from a marriage. If you do not love the person at the end of the aisle then you should run away. I don't care if you put the kingdom in danger. It is not your job to save it. Be happy. Don't give up your marriage, your happiness, just for a piece of land. Live your life to the fullest it can be lived because that's how you should live it."

"But, Mom, it is my job to save the kingdom. I'm a princess," Sofia protested.

"You were a village girl before you were a princess. And you're still a person who deserves happiness. Tell me, Sofia, do you truly love Axel? If this marriage was not arranged would you choose him?" Miranda demanded, leaning closer, worry and love filling her eyes. Sofia stared for a moment before hanging her head in shame.

"No, I wouldn't choose him," she breathed out, terrified someone would hear her, arrest her, kill her.

"Then run. Tell him no. We'll negotiate with Axel. We'll be fine. Marry for love, Sofia. Only marry for love," her mother told her then stood. "Should I go tell him that the wedding is off?"

Sofia thought long and hard about her answer. If she said yes, if she called the wedding off, then Enchancia would lose a tragic war and many innocents and soldiers would die. Axel would go on a rampage, especially if she chose Hugo. He would wreak havoc on them, he would kill them if he could.

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