Chapter Eleven: A Story & A Change

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Hugo and Axel had gotten off their horses and where now fighting on the ground. A new cut was bleeding on Axel's leg and one on Hugo's forehead. Marvin flew in circles above the stadium, allowing Sofia to observe the situation.

"Put me down over there," Sofia instructed the raven, pointing towards the knights' tent. The raven ducked down and landed inside so no people could see them. Sofia climbed down and thanked Marvin before he flew away. Then Sofia turned back to the arena's entrance. "I wish to be big again." She shot up like a weed and approached the fight.

Hugo spun his sword and flicked Axel's out of his hand. The glinting silver thing flew across the arena and landed in the dirt with a thud. Weaponless, Axel charged his brother and slammed into his gut. Hugo gasped in surprise and his sword fell out of his grip. Axel tried to pin him while also reaching for the sword. Hugo was stretching towards the weapon as well.

Urgency surged through Sofia's bloodstream and instinct took over. She ran out into the arena, towards the wrestling men. Axel was getting closer to the sword. Sofia leapt and slid through the dirt towards the weapon. Her pale fingers wrapped around the hilt seconds before Axel's did. She stood up hurriedly, chest heaving, dress covered in dirt, tiara crooked, sword pointed at Axel.

"Sofia?" he gaped. "What are you doing?"

"I…" Sofia started, suddenly aware of how many eyes were on her. "I have proof."

"Proof?" Axel asked, confused. Hugo used his brother's confusion and shoved him off of him. Axel groaned as he hit the ground. Hugo stood up and nodded at Sofia to continue.

"Proof of your crimes," she said, handing the sword to Hugo since he knew how to use it. He pointed it at Axel, keeping him lying on the ground.

"I never did anything," Axel protested. "And you are interfering with our duel. This is a crime in my kingdom!"

"It won't be yours much longer," Sofia declared and opened the red book. "This is a magic story book and has been documenting your actions since you met Alfred."

"You lie!" Axel yelled.

"Once upon a time," Sofia began to read, "there was young prince named Axel. He was an evil prince, hateful and cruel. When his father, the king, brought in a new sorcerer. Axel immediately liked him because of his extensive knowledge of power.

"As Axel grew his father let him join the royal council to help make decisions. But some of the other council members disagreed with the king's decision and petitioned to have the child removed. Axel was infuriated. He went to Alfred and flipped through his magic books, searching for a solution to his problem. The sorcerer was out in the royal garden, so he was not aware of the young man finding his book on dark magic and potions.

"When Alfred returned, Axel demanded that he make him the most toxic poison in the evil book. Alfred refused. So Axel called his most loyal knight, an old friend of his, to bring four red hot swords. The knight tied poor Alfred to the wall and he and Axel tortured the man until he relented. Axel took the poison and killed his political opponents. The solution pleased him and whenever someone seriously opposed him, Axel always returned with red hot swords for Alfred and an evil demand.

"As the boy aged into a man he began to want the king's crown for himself. So Axel returned once more to the sorcerer's tower. Alfred no longer needed to be tortured to make the poisons. He brewed them without complaint. So Axel easily acquired the brew that would make his father horribly ill. Axel watched with delight as his father fell sicker and sicker until he died.

"But there were still those who opposed him. So Axel got rid of them too. And now the evil prince, now an evil king, is laying on the ground, watching his ultimate trophy, the bride that his brother craved, read the list of his crimes out loud to his entire kingdom," Sofia finished.

"Lies, all lies!" Axel yelled, standing up angrily. "You are deranged!"

"Don't. You know that it's true and so do they," Hugo told his brother and gestured to the crowd of people. They were standing up, angrily muttering to each other, throwing hateful glares at their king. "It is written in our laws that a murderer cannot be king. So you will be sentenced to a life lived out in the dungeons!"

"You just want the crown!" Axel screamed as knights began to flood the arena. Sofia recognized Sir Charles amongst them.

"If you think that is so then you do not know me at all. Arrest him!" Hugo responded calmly. Axel growled and lunged, but not at Hugo. Instead he tackled Sofia, twisting her around so she faced the knights, his arm around her front, pinning her arms to her sides. A dagger he had pulled out of his boot was pressed against her throat. Blood began to dribble down her throat and onto her chest. She heard her mother scream and her sister sob.

"One more move and I slit her throat!" Axel yelled. Sofia whimpered softly. Hugo stared in fear at the woman he loved trapped by his brother. "Put your weapons down! Call off the knights, Hugo, or she dies!"

"No, Hugo, don't," Sofia rasped out. Axel dug the blade in deeper and Sofia winced. More blood fell, staining her white gown. Hugo looked torn. His brother had to be stopped but he hated seeing his love in pain. If she died it would be his fault.

Sofia tried to swallow but she couldn't. Tears were forming in her eyes as she tried to kick Axel but he resisted. She couldn't fight him. But then, a single drop of blood dripped down her neck and hit her amulet.

Instantly, the gem turned blood red and began to glow as bright as the sun. The knights turned away from the bright glow but Axel didn't move. A magical red blast of magic suddenly shot out, blasting Axel away and encasing Sofia in a glowing ball of light. She began to fly up, towards the sky. Axel tried to grab her again but the red light burned his hands.

"What's going on?" Axel demanded, cursing as Sofia floated higher. Then the light set her down next to Hugo. Sofia's hand reached up and felt her throat. The cut from Axel's dagger was healed. Her amulet stopped glowing and the knights recovered. Then ran forward and grabbed Axel, pinning his arms.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?" Sir Charles asked Hugo. He blinked, stunned by the title, before he answered.

"Take him to the dungeons," he instructed. The knights marched away, taking a struggling and cursing Axel with them. After they had left Hugo embraced Sofia. "Are you okay?"

"I…I think so," Sofia gasped and held him tighter. "Are you?"

"Of course," Hugo said and pulled away so he could look her in the eye. "You were amazing."

"So were you," Sofia admitted. Hugo grinned and, without thinking, pulled her closer to him and placed his lips on hers. Sofia gladly kissed him back but they broke away quickly when they remembered where they were.

"Sofia!" Miranda screamed as she ran into the arena. She threw her arms around her daughter and cried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mum," Sofia told her.

"What happened?" Roland asked as he joined his wife.

"I think my amulet saved me," Sofia admitted and touched the red gem. Roland smiled.

"I always knew it would," Roland said. Amber, James, and Ruby suddenly ran up and hugged her as well.

"You're okay!" Ruby cried in relief.

"You stopped Axel!" James said in amazement.

"You kissed Hugo!" Amber gaped in disbelief. Sofia smiled and hugged them back.

"You're Majesty," Hugo told Roland, "I would like to marry your daughter."

"Well," Roland sighed. "After all this, I think nothing would make my daughter happier." Hugo smiled at Sofia and she smiled at him. He hugged her and she gripped him tightly. It was over. They'd won. They were going to get married. It was unbelievable.

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