RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 1

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And Volume 3 is finally here! Took a while because I've come up with so many ideas for this volume. Plus Volume 6 had me anxious ALL...WEEK. And I can say the season finale was amazing. Especially finally seeing Summer Rose. But enough with the chit chat! Let Volume 3 commence!!

You and Bella were standing in front of your fathers grave. Your mom, Lace and Emily were standing behind. As memories of you as a child flashed through your mind, you kneeled down and gently placed your hand on the dirt.

You: (whisper) Come back...please...I need you.

Lace: If it's alright, how did he pass?

Krystal: He died on a job. It was the White Fang.

Lace looked down and tried to hide her fox tail.

You felt tears fall down your cheek and you started to cry. Bella quickly knelt in front of you and hugged you. Bella started to cry as well. Krystal knelt down beside you and hugged both of you.

Krystal: Remember what he told you guys. If you lose someone dear to you, instead of mourning over them, you use all of that pain and sadness to keep pushing forward. So you guys need to use this pain. Use it to keep fighting. It's what he would've wanted.

You smiled.

You: What he would've wanted.

You stood up, as did the others.

Bella: Sorry you guys had to see that.

Emily: Don't apologize. It's fine.

Krystal: You guys ready for the Vytal Festival Tournament?

Bella: Hell yeah! We're gonna kick some ass!!

Lace: Is she normally like this?

Krystal and you: Pretty much.

Krystal: Wanna hear some good news?

You: Don't we always?

Krystal: I'm gonna be here for the tournament.

GLBE: Really?!

Krystal jumped at the sudden outburst.

Krystal: Yep!

Bella ran up to Krystal and tackled her to the ground in a hug.

Bella: I'm so happy!!

You: Ahem!

Krystal and Bella looked at you. You winked at Krystal and an evil grin spread across her face.

Krystal: So Bella. Who's this new boyfriend of yours?

Bella quickly stood up and blushed.

Bella: How the hell did you know about that?!

You and Krystal fist bumped each other. Bella's eyes lit on fire as she stared at you in rage.

Bella: I told you not to tell her you little shit!!

You: Oh shit.

Bella chased after you and you ran around continuously trying to escape her wrath. Meanwhile Emily, Lace, and Krystal we're dying of laughter.


You and your team and Krystal has just got done watching team RWBY's fight.

Krystal: So it's the black haired girl with the bow?

You: Yep. Come on, let's go congratulate them.

Krystal: Actually I have to go finish some things at the house. I'm renting a place nearby, and not everything's unpacked yet. But don't worry. I'll meet your girlfriend some other time.

Emily: Then once you get back you can show us those baby pictures you were talking about.

You: I will destroy you Emily!

Emily put an evil smile on her face.

Emily: Come over here and try!

Krystal was giggling the whole time.

Krystal: Alright. Well I gotta go. Group hug.

You and Bella hugged Krystal.

Krystal: Group hug means all 4 members of the team.

Lace: Oh!

Lace and Emily joined in the group hug. Krystal walked away.

You. Now we can go congratulate them.

Bella: They're probably at the fairgrounds eating. I just saw them leave the arena.

You and your team were walking through the fair grounds when you heard a familiar voice.

Timber: Bella.

You all turned around and saw Timbers armor stumbling towards you.

Bella: Timber! You're back!

Suddenly the armor opened up and a bruised and bloody Timber fell out. His right arm was missing and his left eye was gone.

Bella: Timber!!!

You and your team quickly ran towards him. You kneeled down and checked his pulse. He was alive, but barely.

You: Someone get a medic!!

Suddenly 4 paramedics rushed towards you and carried Timber away.

Bella: Where are they taking him?

You: They're taking him to the hospital. He's gonna be fine.

Bella started to cry and buried her face in your shoulder.

Bella: He better be.

And that's the beginning of Volume 3! Quick heads up (and some of you already know this) this volume will be a sad one. So don't sue me because you have a mental breakdown or something. But anyway, hope you enjoyed!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now