Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 2

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Sorry for the long wait on this one. But here it is so let's get to it!

You all got done eating your food with RWBY and JNPR.

Blake: Is he okay?!

Bella wiped her tears away.

Bella: I don't know.

Emily: We're waiting for the nurses to say he's okay.

Timber: I'm okay now.

Everyone jumped and turned around to see Timber limping towards you. He had a big cloth wrapped around his arm and a cloth wrapped around his eye. You jumped up and made sure he didn't fall. You got a little angry.

You: Shouldn't you be in the hospital?! What are you doing here?!

Timber: I can fix this myself! I just need to stay in your dorm room for a little bit. That's all I ask.

Bella ran up to Timber.

Bella: Of course you can! I'm sure we can persuade Ozpin to let you stay.

Suddenly Professor Ports voice echoed across the fair grounds.

Port: Would team JNPR please make there way to the arena!

Pyrrha: Well I guess this is it.

You: Good luck guys.

JNPR walked off and RWBY looked back at you.

Weiss: So you're just gonna let him stay with you even though he's injured and...

Weiss looked at Timber up and down and scoffed.

Weiss: Filthy.

Timber: I'll kill you right now.

Emily: We should get you to our room.

Bella wrapped Timber's arm around her shoulder and walked him to the airship where he sat down. Lace sat down beside him. You eavesdropped on their conversation.

Lace: Did you kill him? Is he gone for good?

Timber: Yes. He put up one hell of a fight though.

Lace: He's finally gone. I can finally live in peace.

Timber: He said something before he died.

Lace: What did he say?

Timber: Are you sure you want me to tell you? It's really really bad.

Lace: Tell me.

Timber: He was the one who assassinated your parents.

Lace gasped and covered her mouth and started to cry.

Lace: Why? Why would he do that?!

Timber looked down and sighed.

Timber: I don't know.

Lace buried her face in her hands and cried. Timber pulled her into a hug.

You walked away after that. Once you got to the school you eventually persuaded Ozpin to let Timber stay. You and Bella cautiously walked him into your room.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now