RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 6

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Emily: So what are we gonna do?

You sighed and fiddled with a dust crystal.

You: I don't know. But we can't let her get the best of us.

Bella: Easier said than done.

You got up and walked towards the door.

You: I'm gonna take Fang for a walk. Who wants to join us?

Lace: I'll go.

Bella: We'll just stay here and figure things out.

You nodded and put a leash on Fang.

Krystal: Don't do anything stupid.

You: As my mother you should know that most likely won't happen.

You stuck your tongue out at her. She giggled. You and Lace walked out. You were walking around town. Fang stopped in front of a few shops here and there to smell the food.

Lace: F/n?

You: Yeah?

Lace: Are you scared?

You looked down and sighed.

You: Terrified.

Lace looked down and stayed silent for a bit. Then she spoke up again.

Lace: Thank you. For everything you've done. You guys are really the bestest friends I could ever have.

You: Don't mention it. It was...

You went silent and started to feel dizzy.

Lace: F/n?

Suddenly everything went dark.


You were lying on the ground holding your stomach to ease the pain. You slowly crawled to try and reach your weapon. Meanwhile Bella was trying to fend off Jasper. Bella got knocked to the ground right beside you.

Jasper: Don't fight back. My anger will only grow.

You grabbed your sword and stood in front of Bella, who was slowly getting up.

Jasper rushed you with a flurry of attacks. You tried to block them all but she was too fast. She sent strike after strike, and they all took some aura with every hit. Suddenly an Ursa Major grabbed you in its mouth and started to crush your ribs. You screamed in pain as you felt the teeth depleting your aura. Suddenly Bella decapitated the giant grimm. You fell to the ground. You watched as Jasper became enraged and struck Bella over and over again. Bella howled in pain. Jasper sent one last strike. Bella fell to the ground, barely moving. Jasper looked at you with a seductive smile. She grabbed Bella's glaive and slowly walked towards her.

You: (weakly) Stop...

Jasper used her foot to turn Bella over on her back. She raised the glaive above her head.


Jasper slammed the blade into Bella's stomach, causing her to gasp.

Lace: F/n wake up!!

You jolted upwards and opened your eyes to see you were back in the town. You looked at a worried Lace.

Lace: Are you okay?!

You: B-Bella. Where's Bella?!

Lace: F/n calm do-


Lace: She's in our dorm room!

You quickly got up and ran towards Beacon.

Lace: Wait!

Fang and Lace followed behind you.

Lace: F/n what the hell is going on?!

You sprinted through the doors, knocking some people down on your way. You ran to your dorm room and bursted through the door.

You: Bella!

Everyone jumped and looked at you in confusion. You saw Bella standing next to Timber, safe and sound. You ran up to her and hugged her tightly. You cried into her shoulder. She hugged you back.

Bella: Is something wrong?

Krystal put a hand on your shoulder.

Krystal: F/n. What happened?

Lace and Fang ran into the room.

You: I had a vision...Jasper-

Emily looked at you worried.

You: Jasper killed Bella.

Bella gasped. Everyone put a worried look on their face, including Timber. You let go of Bella.

Bella: It was just a vision. That won't happen.

You nodded and wiped your tears.

You: I need to lay down.

You laid in your bed and tried to shake he thought out of your head. But it was engraved in your mind. You silently cried.


Port: Yang Xiao Long is victorious!

You were sitting beside Blake, who was holding your hand to comfort you. Everyone else got up and cheered. You buried your face in your hands. Suddenly the crowd started to scream and boo Yang and Mercury.

Blake: What the hell?!

You looked up and saw multiple guards with their guns aimed at Yang, while Mercury was holding his leg and squirming. You looked at the footage to see that Yang punched Mercury and broke his leg. You quickly stood up.

You: What the hell is going on?!

And there's chapter 6! Sorry for not posting this sooner. Had some shit to take care of. Also sorry this one is so short. But here it is! Hope you enjoyed!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now