RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 4

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Krystal: Anyway who wants food? I didn't really get you anything Timber because I kinda...just met you.

Timber: It's fine.

You sat down and ate your food while Timber worked on his arm.

Krystal: You know, you guys haven't really paid much attention to the tournament going on. Why?

Emily: There's been...a lot going on.

Krystal: Oh?

Emily: It's kind of hard to explain.

Lace: Krystal?

Krystal: Hmm?

Lace: You used to be friends with Jasper?

Krystal froze in place and sighed. She looked at you and Bella.

Krystal: You told them?

You: We kind of had to.

Krystal looked back at Lace.

Krystal: Yes. I was.

Bella: We saw her. Just a while ago. But it was a hallucination. And she caused f/n to attack Timber and-

Krystal: Why is she doing this?!

The room fell silent. Everyone put a worried look on there face.

You: Mom?

Krystal got up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. You looked down. You got up.

You: I'll be back.

Bella quickly got up and grabbed your arm.

Bella: Where?

You: I'm just going to see Blake.

Bella let go and you walked out. You walked to RWBY's room and knocked.

Ruby: Come in!

You opened the door and walked in. Only Ruby and Blake were in the room.

Blake: Hey f/n what's u-

You quickly walked up to her and hugged her tightly. She hugged back. You felt Ruby place a hand on your shoulder.

Ruby: F/n what's wrong?

You let go of Blake. She put a semi-worried look on her face.

You: Nothing bad. Just needed some comforting.

Blake: Are you sure? You know if something is wrong we can help you.

You sighed.

You: I-

Suddenly Yang busted through the door with the old guy you seen fighting that girl a while ago.

Yang: Found him Ruby! Now let's play that game!

Yang spotted you.

Yang: Oh hey f/n! What are you doing here?

You: Actually I was just leaving.

You kissed Blake and walked out. You were about to open the door to your room until Blake turned you around and hugged you.

Blake: Whats wrong?

You hugged her back and buried your face into her shoulder.

You: I'm just so afraid...

Blake: Of what?

You: There's this girl who's targeting me and my team. And she's haunting all of us. And one of us is gonna get seriously hurt!

Blake pulled you into a passionate kiss. You leaned into the kiss. After the kiss you looked down.

Blake: Look at me.

You looked into Blake's eyes.

Blake: This may seem bad now, but everything will turn out fine in the end. I promise.

You sighed and smiled a little. You kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and put her hand up your shirt and rubbed your chest. You blushed a little and slowly eased your hand up to her boobs. But Lace opened the door.

Lace: F/n you-

You and Blake quickly regained your posture and blushed deep red.

Lace: I'll wait until you're done.

Lace went back into the room and shut the door.

You: Well, that actually happened.

You both chuckled. You gave Blake a quick kiss and said goodbye. You then walked into your room.

As promised here is Chapter 4! Hope you enjoyed!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now