RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 8

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You paced in your room.

You: None of this is making sense! Yang wouldn't just attack someone like that!

Emily: She said she saw him attack her first. Maybe the stress was piling on and it was a hallucination.

You: No no that can't be it. With everything that's going on and then this? Something is wrong and we're just sitting here doing absolutely nothing about it!

Bella: F/n, Mom, let's go walking.

You: What?!

Bella: We need to discuss some things. Family things.

You: Fine.

You, Bella, and Krystal walked around the school.

Bella: F/n, I understand that you're stressed but pacing around and coming up with stupid shit isn't helping!

You: Stupid shit?! How about you open your eyes and see the real problem here!!

Bella: And what is the "real problem" f/n?!

You: It started when me and Jasper fought at the docks that night! She's been haunting us ever since! She made you attack me! Then I attacked Timber! And now Yang attacks Mercury out of nowhere! Jasper is up to something Bella!! Why can't you get that through your thick skull?!

Bella: WELL YOU'RE FREAKING EVERYONE OUT!! All you've done for the past month is ramble on and on and on! Learn to settle down and think things out!

Bella shoved you by the shoulder. You got mad and raised your fist back. Krystal got in between you two and held each other back.

Krystal: Stop it you two!!

You shoved Krystal aside and punched Bella in the face. Bella growled and shoulder charged you. You got up but Bella kicked you in the chest and knocked you back down. Krystal grabbed Bella and threw her to the side.


Bella glared at you with a furious look. You returned the look with rage.

Krystal: I did not agree to go walking so you 2 would fucking fight! We are going to talk about this in a calm manner or we won't talk at all!

Bella growled and walked up to mom. You got up and glared at Bella.

You: Then we have nothing to talk about.

You stormed off before anyone could say anything.


You sat on he bed with your face buried in your hands. Lace walked up to you.

Lace: F/n...

You: What do you want?

Lace: I just want to talk. That's all.

Everyone gave you a worried look, including Bella.

You: I'm guessing everyone wants to talk?

Timber: What do you think smart one?

You got up and glared at him.

You: I'm not in the fucking mood for you!!

Lace placed a hand on your shoulder. You sat back down.

Emily: F/n we're all very worried about you. All of this stuff is getting to your head.

You: Don't you guys see what's going on?! I'm trying to figure out what's actually going on here!!

Emily: And so are we. But you're letting this stuff drown you out from all of us. You need to ease up a bit.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now