Blake x Male Reader Volume 3: Chapter 3

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You were running as fast as you could with Timber's robotic arm.

Timber: I'm gonna fucking kill you!!

You: Gotta catch me first!

You were running when suddenly Bella tackled you to the ground and took the arm.

You: I'm gonna get your ass back.

Bella smiled and handed the arm back to Timber who reattached it.

Lace: I'm not even gonna stop Timber when he murders you.

You: I won't need any help.

Timber: Keep talking.

You smirked.

Emily: Woah!!

You all looked towards Emily who was looking out of the window of your dorm room. You all ran towards the window and looked down to see a guy with a big sword fighting a girl dressed in all white.

You: Beat you all there! Let's go Fang!

You and Fang bolted out of the room. Everyone else followed. But by the time you got there the fight was over and everyone left.

You: Dammit!

You were about to walk back when you saw a figure in the distance. It walked closer and pulled a familiar sword out. Suddenly Jasper rushes towards you. You quickly got your sword and and swung. Suddenly Jasper disappeared and you accidentally hit Timber.

You: What the...

Suddenly Timber kicked you in the chest very hard, sending you crashing into a wall. You fell to your knees, still trying to figure out what happened. Timber ran towards you but Bella stopped him.

Bella: Wait Timber!!

Timber glared at you and you looked at Bella.

You: Bella! I-I saw-

Bella: Jasper. I know. I saw her too.

Timber: Who the hell is Jasper? And why did you attack me?!

You got up and started to get angry.

You: I just said I didn't see you!!

Timber: Bullshit!

Emily: Stop!!!

You all looked at Emily and Lace.

Lace: We saw her too...

Bella helped you up. Timber growled and walked away. You grabbed your head.

You: Why didn't he see her?


Timber: So let me get this straight. Jasper is this crazy girl who attacked f/n, and ever since then she's been haunting you guys?

GLBE: Yep.

Timber sighed.

Timber: Just another thorn in my side.

Lace: I don't understand why she's doing this. Why is she targeting us?

You: I think I know why...

Everyone looked at you waiting for an answer.

You: Jasper and my mom used to be friends when they were young. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Suddenly Krystal busted through the door.

Krystal: I got food!!!

She suddenly stopped.

Krystal: Is everything alright?

Bella: Yep! Everything's fine.

Krystal looked Timber and his armor up and down.

Krystal: Who's this? And why is there a metal wolf beside him?

Before Bella could speak you jumped in front of her and quickly spoke.

You: Mom, meet Bella's boyfriend Timber Shade.

Bella blushed deeply and turned away.

Krystal: I see. But again: whats with the metal wolf?

Timber: It's my armor.

The armor waved at her. She hesitantly waved back.

Krystal: Of all the things I've seen this has got to be the strangest.

And there's chapter 3! Sorry this one took so long. But to make up for it there is a very high chance that I'm making chapter 4 today. So expect an update. Hope you enjoyed chapter 3!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now