Bonus Chapter: F/n L/n vs Timber Shade

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And here it is guys! The match we have all been waiting for. I know you've all been just itching to see who'd win so here it is.

You breathed out a big sigh. You glared at the other side of the arena to see Timber standing in his armor. You both glared at each other.

Oobleck: Ladies and gentlemen! Before the singles rounds start, we decided to set up a special match! Our first competitor: F/n L/n!!

Emily: You got this f/n!!

Krystal: Take him down son!!

Oobleck: And our second competitor is a special guest. Some may know him as the Crimson Killer! Timber Shade!!

Bella: Come on Timber!! Kick his ass!!

Lace: You can beat him Timber!!

You: Just forewarning you...

You stabbed a big electric dust crystal in both of your arms, which covered you from your shoulders to your fingertips in lightning.

You: ...I'm not gonna play fair.

Timber got his claws out and glared at you.

Port: 3...2...1...Begin!

You both charged at each other. Timber tried to slash you with his claws, but you blocked it with your sword and jumped back. You quickly shot a ball of lightning at his armor, causing him to fall to one knee and malfunction, giving you the chance to kick him in the face. He grabbed you by the face and slammed you to the ground, then threw you halfway across the arena. As you were getting up he shot dozens of little missiles at you. You maneuvered your way through them and even deflected some back. He tried to slash you again with his claws, but you grabbed his arm and sent electricity through his armor. You threw him up in he air, and once he fell back down you struck him with a thrust from your sword. He was sent flying and rolled on the ground for a while before finally stopping. He quickly jumped out of his armor and sent it towards you. The armor shot blades out of its wrists and struck you blow after blow. Suddenly Timber jumped in front of you and hit you with a digistructed katana. You got up and got a little angry.

You: 2 against one?! Really?!

Timber: I told you I wasn't sparing any mercy.

You growled and shot lightning at Timber's armor. Both Timber and his armor fell to the ground. You ran towards the armor and sent slash after slash towards it until nothing was left of it except it's torso and left arm. Timber stared in disbelief.

You: Like I said before, I hope you have insurance on that.

Timber growled loudly and ran towards you, roundhouse kicking you to the ground then using his katana to upward slash you, sending you flying into the air. He jumped up into the air with you and grabbed you and slammed you to the ground. Before he could land you rolled out of the way. You inserted an ice crystal into your sword and sent an arc of ice towards him. He sidestepped and and tried to thrust at you with his sword. But you jumped into the air and heel kicked him in the jaw. He got up and you both had a staredown. You and Timber both charged at each other as fast as you could. You had your sword ready to slash and so did Timber. You both yelled loudly as you slashed at each other with as much strength as you possibly could. You felt all of your aura get depleted. You fell to your knees and then fell to the ground.

Port: And this match is a draw!!

You: (in head) What?! A draw?!

You slowly looked at Timber who was also on the ground. You looked at the screen to see that both of your aura levels were at 3. You sighed. Krystal and Emily ran up to you and knelt down beside you while Bella and Lace knelt down beside Timber.

Emily: Holy shit!! That was awesome!!

Krystal: That's the best fight I've seen in a while!!

You tried to get up but you grunted in pain. Krystal sat your back against her knee.

You: If I would've hit him harder I would've won!

Emily: Stop whining! You both are obviously at the same skill level when it comes to fighting.

You: Fine.


Timber was working on his armor while you were resting. Blake was sitting on your bed next to you.

Blake: I still can't believe it was a tie.

Timber slammed his fists on the table and jolted out of his chair.

Timber: This is gonna take forever to fucking fix!! Even with Emily helping me!!

You: You shouldn't have double teamed me. Sucks for you.

You chuckled weakly. Blake kissed your forehead. Timber growled and sat back down and got to work.

Bella: I for one am proud of you both.

Bella walked up behind Timber and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Krystal: I still don't think it was fair to use electricity on his armor.

Timber: No no. There are no rules in a battle. It was legal. As much as I hate to admit it.

Krystal shrugged.

Krystal: If you say so.

And boom!! Okay so I know you guys are probably disappointed at me for making it a tie. And I'm sorry. I really am. I do t even have an explanation for it. But anyways hope you enjoyed!!

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