Chapter 25: The Rescue (Part 1)

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             Kenzie awoke to the sound of Robert's heavy snore. His body was sprawled out in the dark corner with only a leg showing in the light. She could not count the days as to how long he'd been with her, it felt like weeks. Her wrists were beginning to peel from the rawness of her skin and she was slightly groggy. 

        But Kenzie vowed that this was going to be the last day she suffered at the hands of this sick and twisted man. Devaney was too much of a coward to torture her himself, disabled or not.

        There was a way out.

        The night before, when Kenzie was allowed to use the washroom for the first time, Robert took her upstairs at knife point. Her plan was not to escape right then and there but, she discovered that she was being held in underground catacombs beneath an old church. The sound of water came from a small river behind it. Kenzie had to purposely walk slow in order to remember the path the used because it was a bit confusing. But she was able to figure it out. 

        When Robert took her underground and tied her to the chair his knots were loose. All she had to do was wait for him to fall asleep and she would be free. 

        Robert's loud snore continued to echo off the walls. Kenzie had no time to waste. 

        She easily slipped her hands through the ropes and bent down to untie her ankles all the while keeping a close eye on Robert's sleeping form. Once free she stood up and the dizziness hit her. The withdrawal affects of the morphine were starting to get to her. For a split second her mind sadly realized that when she escaped, she would no longer be injected with the drug that made all of her pain go away.

        Kenzie shook the thought from her head. There was no time to dwell on such things. Her legs felt strangely heavy as she walked up the stairs. As she looked up, the metal door seemed further and further away with each step she took. Kenzie shook her head again and willed herself to continue on.

        Finally, she reached the metal door. It was heavy and Kenzie had to use most of her strength to push it open. To her dismay, the door creaked loudly and Kenzie heard Robert groan. He was waking up and it was now or never. She just couldn't stand to be held in that dark place any longer. 

        Kenzie ran into the catacombs without looking back. It was dark but the small torches hanging on the walls illuminated just enough light for her to see where she was going. She ran and ran, hearing the water from the river all around her. Kenzie made a few bad turns having to double back and was able to pick up her tracks.

        Robert called her name and it boomed through the hallway like thunder. The way he shouted her name was heart breaking to hear. In some cruel sadistic way Robert had grown attached to her and waking up to her gone hurt him. He wouldn't understand her actions, he was too drugged out of his mind to understand them and that hurt her in return.

        But Kenzie couldn't stop. She had to get out and not just because of her will to live, she needed to warn her family that that monster of a man Devaney was setting up a trap in the church. Even if she returned she knew that Benicio and Jackson would be out for revenge.

        Kenzie continued to run as Robert screamed her name at  the top of his lungs. Certain areas were beginning to become familiar to her. She couldn't believe that a church could be connected to such a dark and horrendous place. The only reasons to build such a thing was to infect pain on the human body and to know that it was once owned by a religious figure was shocking.

        Kenzie came to the flight of stairs leading directly into the church, the freedom felt so intoxicating Kenzie could taste it. She ran up the steps which were slightly steep. The doorknob was in her hand and when she turned all the hope she had withered away. 

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