Chapter 1

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Two and a half weeks later

         Sixteen year old Kenzie Clearwater sat in her Literature class anxiously listening to her teacher, Mrs Spencer, talk about William Shakespeare. Kenzie was in her Junior year at Rosary Academy. It was the first co-Ed interracial school on the coast of California. It was a very prestigious school, only families who were wealthy were able to get their children in. But despite the racial differences, all the students co-existed quite well.

        Although not a private school, Rosary Academy had a strict dress code. The Headmaster wasn't fond of the flapper styled dresses the girls would wear to school, so he made sure that all dresses reached the ankles and the shoulders had to be covered. The girls were allowed to wear little to no makeup and couldn't over indulge themselves in jewelry.

        Everyone knew who Kenzie and her two best friends Gladys and Thelma were, Kenzie more in particular. She was known as the daughter of the bootlegger. But she would rather be known for her wits than her fathers illegal profession. She didn't fashion neither of the glamourous haircuts worn by flappers like her friends. Instead she choose to keep her long glossy black hair which she wore in large fingers waves a few inches below her shoulder blades. No one forgot how her hazel eyes lit up whenever she smiled, or the lovely beauty mark placed on the right side above her lip. And the boys wanted to get their hands on her delectable curvy body.

        Although Kenzie was very well known in school, she did have a rival, a fellow Junior named Helen Carter. Helen's father, Edward, was Chief of Police in Los Angeles County. She didn't like the fact that Kenzie's kind was let into the school and she certainly didn't like the obvious wealth Kenzie and her family possessed.

        Once the hour was over Kenzie grabbed her books and left the class before everyone. The brick walled hallways were crowded with students who couldn't want to get home and enjoy the weekend. She looked around and found Gladys and Thelma waiting for her in the hall. When she approached them, she realized Gladys was frowning while Thelma had a bright grin on her face.

        "What on earth happened to you?" Kenzie asked Gladys with concern.

        Thelma burst into a fit of laughter as Gladys scowled.

        "Clarence Thomas is what happened." Gladys fumed.

        Kenzie couldn't stop the grin from forming on her lips as she prepared to listen to her best friends story. Gladys has been her best friend since they were eight, when her father began working for Kenzie's father in the bootlegging business. Gladys was short and full figured. She wore the same hairstyle as her idol Josephine Baker and wore makeup that enhanced her natural beauty, although she didn't need it and her dresses of choice never followed the strict dress code.

        Kenzie looked at Thelma who was now giggling.        

        "He pulled me into the boys changing room." Gladys explained blushing.

        Kenzie gasped playfully. "Oh my," She said clutching her chest. "I hope you didn't do anything naughty."

        Gladys mouth parted in shock. "Of course not."

        "Are you sure?" Thelma sang suggestively.

        Thelma was the tall 'plain Jane' of the three. She was extremely thin with long beautiful legs. She never wore makeup, her dresses, although brand new, never were as daring in style as Kenzie's or Gladys's, something the two have been dying to change about their friend. Thelma had the privilege of attending Rosary Academy because her father was a banker who handled William Clearwater's account.

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