Chapter 25: The Rescue (Part 2)

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A/N: Hey ladies here is the rest of Chapter 25. Enjoy.

        Twenty-One Minutes Ago

           "I got two on my right," Theo whispered to Benicio as they watched the old abandoned Church on Main Street from behind a car.

        Benicio had to give it to Devaney hiding in the Church was a smart move. Honestly he never would have thought of using it as a hideout. If Benicio did not want to kill him so bad maybe he would have offered him a spot in his organization. 

        "There's one on the left," Benicio whispered back as he looked on waiting for Joey and Mickey's surprise attack on the three men across the street.

        Since Jackson was receiving his medical attention, Theo rallied up all the men he could to extract revenge on Devaney.

        They had the Church surrounded. There was no telling how many of Devaney's men were waiting for them inside.

        Benicio saw Joey sneaking up on the two on the right while Mickey took the man on the left. They did it slow and quietly because the surprise kills were always easy. Mickey covered his victims mouth and jammed his knife into his neck. The man's body tensed for a second then went limp and Mickey threw him on the ground. 

        By the time Benicio trailed his eyes back towards Joey and the two guards, they were laying motionless on the ground as Joey stood above them wiping his bloody knife on his jacket. Joey looked down the street for a moment before he motioned for Benicio and Theo to come to him. 

        Checking to make sure the coast was clear, they jogged across the street. When they reached Joey, he immediately started walking the other way.

        "Where are you going?" Benicio whispered confused.

        "I saw something down the street," Joey turned to walk away.

        Benicio stopped him. "Whatever it is I'm sure it can wait. Right now I need you to help me get my wife back."

        "Bennie you got more than enough men to help you. There's only three hoods inside the church and about a dozen of us." Joey  responded before crouching down and sneaky off into the shadows. 

        "Goddammit," Benicio hissed.

        Just what he needed. His best friend, the best killer Benicio had ever seen ran off to do God knows what. What could have been more important than rescuing Kenzie?

        "It's fine," Theo said, while looking through the stained glass windows of the Church. "He's right, there's only three inside. Two with pistols and one has a shotgun. Bad news is, neither one of them look like they're running the show."

        Benicio raised an eyebrow, more confusion circulating around him. 

        This was Devaney grand scheme? To hold Kenzie with only six guards? It didn't seem right to him. Why go through so much trouble? But the only thing Benicio could focus on was getting Kenzie back safely. It was painful knowing that she was at the mercy of the Irish.

        Benicio turned to his men.

        His cousins stood with their machine guns, waiting for a command. Mickey passed Dino a cigarette and light it for him. He took in a long drag and blow it out smoke through his nose calmly. Theo and his men had revenge written all over their faces and it wasn't just because of Kenzie. Yes, the KKK did the dirty work by hanging Jackson and murdering his wife and unborn child, but it was obvious Devaney gave away the information about Jackson and his family.

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