Chapter 5

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        Kenzie spent hours on end shut inside her bedroom. She cried until her eyes were sore. How could her father do this to her? And how could Jackson have known along and not tell her?

        Every so often Jackson would come to the door and knock. She'd say the same things like: 'Go away.' and 'I don't want to speak to you.' Jackson's sighs pained her to no end, but what he conspired to hurt more than anything in the world. She was done with crying, done with wanting to know why her father choose something like this for her without her consultation.

        It was nearly sundown and Kenzie hadn't come out of her bedroom since the morning. Jackson had given up on coming to her door by mid afternoon. She couldn't fight her rumbling tummy any longer as she refused all meals that were offered to her.

        She opened her bedroom door and came face to face with her father, whose fist was raised in the air as if he intended to knock on her door. She stared at him, not saying a word. She figured her eyes could do the talking.

        After long seconds of looking into his daughters hazel eyes, Willie swallowed hard. "May I come in?" He asked softly.

        Kenzie rolled her eyes. Sighing, she stepped back and aloud him to pass through. He took a seat in her lounge chair adjacent from her door. She closed the door and sat on the bed.

        "Kenzie sweetheart," He began. She stared at him blankly. "I know you are upset with me and you have every right to be. But I've worked so hard to get to where we are and I want you and Jackson to have the same equal opportunities as everyone else."

        She remained silent as her father continued. There were a million insults she wanted to throw at him, and she had every right to. But yet, she remained calm and let her father try to justify why he did what he did.

        "I just want you to be safe." he said, his voice cracking in the process as his eyes watered.

        This was the first time Kenzie seen her father emotional. It teared her up inside to see him like this. For whatever reason he arranged for her to get married it was out of the kindness of his heart. Suddenly the reason didn't matter to her anymore. He did things to make her life better. He never asked anything of her. She felt she could do this one simple favor for him. But it's not so simple. Out of all the books she's read, none of them had a step by step on how to be a wife, especially the wife of a crime boss.

        She looked at the floor, not wanting to see the satisfaction on his face. She was afraid it would make her resent him. "I will go through with it."

        She knew her father was stunned by her sudden acceptance. But she didn't want to look him in the eye. She was afraid of seeing the true motive as to why he wanted her to be married. Was it money? Was it the promise of more power? Or was it to make sure Jackson and Big Daddy's son stayed on good terms when they became the head of the families?

        "I want you to meet Benicio tomorrow after church is over." Willie instructed.

        Her hazel eyes shot up to his. "Why so soon? I haven't even had time to let the news process." She asked in a low voice. Her stomach knotted at the thought of coming face to face with the greasy man her father arranged for her to marry.

        Willie stood up and walked to her. Her eyes were still trained on the floor.

        "I'm retiring soon Kenzie." He explained. She didn't say a word and he sighed at her silence. "Remember, I'm doing this-"

        "-for me" she finished for him. "I know daddy." she stood up and hugged him. She felt him stiffen as if he was surprised that she hugged him. Little did she know he was in physical pain.

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