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alex help
i think someone's following me

oh shit

okokok how far away are you???

like two minutes

do you think i can make it if i run??

yes go to the front door I'll be there okay???

read 3:53pm

[y/n] why the hell would you stop keep running!!

fuck they're right behind you get up!!!

alex ran outside, getting you up from your crouched position in his driveway to a standing one, cursing when you yelled in pain. he could see the person only two meters away, so he pushed you the best he could to get you moving and took off, keeping your limping body ahead of him as he heard footsteps thundering behind you two. when the two of you finally reached his front door, he flung it open, making you stumble inside with him as he then slammed it closed and locked it. he peeked outside the window, cursed again and shut the curtains.

he took one look at your ankle and swore, running his hands through his hair.

"fuck..." he pulled out his phone and typed something. you closed you eyes as fatigue and pain took you over. the last thing you heard was a faint woman's voice. "911 what's your emergency?"

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