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"hey," j.c said as you walked down the hall with him, "how's your face?"

you looked at him out of the corner of your eye. "you've been with me for all of third period and you're asking me this now?"

he laughed as you softly punched him the shoulder. "yeah, yeah... but seriously, are you okay? i haven't asked you that today.."

"oh..." your jaw had been throbbing from the bruise all day, but you had ignored it and dealt with the pain. "it's fine.." you gave j.c a tiny smile, "thanks for asking though."

he smiled and looked away, a hint of a blush on his face. you chose to ignore it, chalking it up to the abnormal heat in the school.

finally you arrived at your locker, opening it as you continued to talk to j.c.

when the locker beside yours opened, you quickly turned to look at elliot.

"hey!" you exclaimed, startling him a bit. he turned his head towards you, "oh, hey [y/n], what's up?"

"nothing really, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me last night. it was nice of you."

you gave him a warm smile but he just looked at you.

"[y/n], what are you--"

"[y/n]!!" someone called, causing you to interrupt elliot by turning around. "alex? what's wrong?"

"dude, you've gotta go to the principals office. i was at the office and they asked me to tell you."

"oh..?" you were surprised. why were you needed down there? you hadn't done anything wrong or to get in trouble...

"he said you can skip fourth period for this."

your confusion turned into excitement. you absolutely hated your fourth period class.

you swiftly turned back to elliot, "sorry," you said quickly, "gotta go, see ya, bye!"

you ran down the halls as slow as possible so you wouldn't be breaking rules, but you were so ecstatic about having to skip fourth that it was hard to contain your joy.

when you reached the principals office, you talked to the secretary for a moment and then waited patiently for the principals to get out of a meeting.

soon enough the door opened to let you in after two men walked out. you went inside, hesitantly standing in the doorway as you saw there was a boy in one of the chairs.

"miss [y/n]," the principal greeted, waving you in. "please, take a seat."

you softly took steps closer to the boy, sitting down in the chair next to him and trying not to glance at him, although the curiousity was killing you on why you were here and why this guy was here.

"[y/n], this is ezra. he was in your english class before, although he left the school because of his family's business. his family has returned and I ask that you see he adjusts back to his surroundings? he's rejoined your english class so i'm hoping that you'll be... a guide for him in a way."

the guy, ezra, turned and gave you a small wave.

"alright, that is all you two. [y/n], if you could please guide ezra around the school, that would be helpful and your fourth period free time wouldn't be wasted."

you nodded and got up, ezra following behind you as you two left the principals office and went into the deserted school hallway.

silence was thick until ezra stirred the pot and spoke up. "...you don't have to show me around. if you don't want to, I mean. it's totally up to you."

he gave a sheepish smile and awkwardly put his hand at the nape of his neck as he stared at the ground. you couldn't help but laugh a bit, "nah. besides, might as well waste fourth period wisely!"

you took him on a small tour of the east wing first, which contained the science and math classrooms; biology, chemistry, physics, general science and then the academic, applied and locally developed math.

next was section a, which had English and extra classes; the library, cosmetology, family studies, business studies, home design, the three levels of English, etc.

then was the west wing, which held the gym and the football field (outside of course) as well as the green houses for plant study.

finally was section b which was the "basement." down there was the very large music classroom, the stage for drama and the cafeteria. there was also a kitchen for cooking classes.

you two were talking casually when you turned around to face him suddenly, accidently tripping on one of the tables and falling towards onto him. you closed you eyes as you two collided with each other, then the floor.

you let out a groan of pain as you hesitantly opened your eyes, only to come face to face with deep green ones.

you hadn't really paid attention to what ezra looked like, but now that you were so close to him you could clearly see the way his eyes sparkled with a mix of blue and green, and how freckles dusted his pale cheeks and nose. you could see just how curly and clearly fluffy looking his blonde hair was, and even see a few acne scars along his forehead, but hey those were natural for a teen.

sure his eyebrows were a bit messy and could probably use a bit of cleaning up but his earing was cool; a thin, almost transparent gold stud that could hardly be seen from anywhere other than right here right now up close.

uh oh.

you jolted yourself off of him. "shit, sorry! i tripped and---"

you frantically swung your gaze back towards him and saw him blushing a bit and... holy shit oh man was he cute???

"i-its fine," he managed, getting up and then lending you a hand. "trust me, i'm pretty clumsy."

You couldn't help but laugh and even though you were embarrassed you brushed sit off and continued on your merry way, making a few jokes about what happened.

"so," he started, breaking through the cloud of silence that teetered above you two, "first day we're actually talking and you've already fell for me?"

you couldn't help but laugh and give a light punch on the shoulder to your new buddy.

this was definitely way better than your fourth period class

and we're back! :)

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