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"hello?" you asked the person in front of you. you had no idea who they were. they had a black tux on and a green undershirt, along with a white tie. they also had a green mask with gold accents.

"[y/n], they said, raising their mask off their face so you could peek at who they were, "it's me. elliot."

"elliot?" you ask, a bit astonished. this was the last place you expected to find him. "what're you doing here?"

he chuckled as he re-adjusted his mask. "my parents dragged us here." at the mention of "us" he motioned to the person behind him, who was dressed very similar to elliot.

he had a black tux too, but had a white shirt with a green tie instead. his mask was a bit different too; while it was green, just like elliots, it had silver accents instead of gold. looking them over, you couldn't help but notice how he had black hair and green eyes as well.

before you could ask the boys name, elliot spoke again. "what're you doing here?"

"working," you said, pointing at your name tag. "it's my shift, so do you guys need help looking at anything? i'm---"


you looked over to where the voice came from, to find alex waving you over. you excused yourself from elliot and his friend and paced over quickly,  grabbing alex by the shoulders and shaking him harshly. "where were you?! your mother was worried!!"

"stop shaking me!" he yelled, trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible so that it wouldn't gain attention. "where is she? i need to find her."

you stopped shaking him, but kept your hands on his shoulders. "i'll take you to her, but tell me where you went!"

"someone tried to steal a painting, so I ran to catch them. j.c's holding them down right now, but I need to find her to tell her the police are on their way."

you let go and ran off, motioning for him to follow you. you went to where you last saw her and thank goodness she was still there. you excuse the two of you and pulled her away, alex whispering into her ear what happened and then the two of you following alex to where j.c had the person.

you were surprised to see it was the lady in the maroon dress from earlier!

"mrs wiychernatch? why would you attempt such a thing?!" asked mrs gaelore in disbelief.

"it's her fault!" she snarled, swinging her head towards you. "she gave me a taste of what it was like to own such beautiful things, but i could only afford the statue! nasty girl, you shouldn't treat poor me like that!"

you stood there, utterly shocked. how in the world was this your fault?!

"excuse me, but it was your own greed that drove you to this. learn to take responsibility for your actions, bi---" you were cut off by her throwing a surprisingly well aimed and strong punch towards your jaw.

her fist collided with your face and you were sent stumbling back into someone's arms, closing your eyes from the impact before you could see who caught you. j.c and alex moved to restrain the women while mrs gaelore rushed over to you, calling your name.

you opened your eyes to meet a pair of green ones. "elliot?"

"be careful--"

"thank you, elliot." you closed your eyes again from shock and fatigue as mrs gaelore helped the boy set you down gently on a sofa. she got an ice pack for your jaw and a water shortly after.

needless to say, you went home early that night.

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