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the sweet sound of ignorance

bandages infused with aloe and such covered your arms, legs, torso and parts of your hands to treat the burns, while band-aids covered your limbs, as well as one of your cheeks, to treat the cuts. you also had a temporary cast wrapped around your single unbandaged hand because you may've sprained it when you got dragged back into the fire by eli.

you sat with an emergency blanket wrapped around your shoulders. a juice box given to you by one of the firemen was in your unbandaged hand, the one in a wrap. and yeah, maybe the juice boxes were for little kids, but they offered and after everything you went through you sure as hell weren't going to turn it down.

you were waiting for your mum to come and pick you up so that they could take you to the hospital to get examined for smoke inhalation. alex was already taken there by his mum for the smoke inhalation, as well as his possibly broken arm. j.c went along too, as he needed to get checked as well.

you watched as they sprayed the fire. it still roared, taking over the entire venue. thank god they didnt have this party at alex's house.

a figure sat down beside you but you paid them no mind, mesmerized by the way the water douced the fire down to little more than ash.

you heard them sniffle and you cast a side glance towards them.

"how did you know him?" you asked suddenly. "how did you know eli?"

elliot took a sip of his own juice box. he had an emergency blanket wrapped around him as well.

"he's my twin."

your heart dropped a bit. that must be why they look so similar and why you thought it was elliot at first.



"then how was he--?"

"in your english class? i was born december 31, at 11:59. eli was born january first at 12:03. because of the fact that our school is fucking dumb, they put me in grade twelve. and eli in grade eleven."

you let out a quiet "oh."


"i didnt know about his weird obsession with you until tonight though. i went to the washroom to go clean up, and y'know puke because i literally cannot hold my alcohal, and when i came back you guys were gone. i went to go find eli and ask him if he'd seen you guys and wanted to meet you, he'd always been shy and rejected my offers but i had hoped that he'd change his mind tonight.

"i instead found my mum and asked if she'd seen him. she said no but if i did then to give him his phone. then, of course, she handed it over. i went to check the time and saw that his lock screen was... a picture of you. it was taken at a weird angle though and it looked like you didnt even know it was being taken.

"i unlocked it, guessing the password correctly, which was your name, and went into the camera roll to find dozens upon dozens of pictures of you just like the lock and home screen. it freaked me out so bad, [y/n], i was shaking. because of my shakes i accidently clicked the message icon when i went to the home screen and there i found all of the texts. all of them."

you shivered. and not because of the cold.

he looked at you sadly and you saw tears running down his ash stained cheeks.

"[y/n]," he choked out, "i am so sorry for my brothers actions. everything he did to you, to your friends, trying to hurt you and kidnap you, mulitpule times, and glitch their phones and pretend to be them when you text," --thank explains the weird glitches and fonts-- "i am so sorry. it's utterly sickening."

tears ran down your cheeks and you embraced him as you both sobbed.

"elliot it's o-okay. it isn't y-your fault."

he sobbed in response. after a few minutes you both pulled away and turned back towards the fire. it was completely out and the firemen were going in and out of the area.

"[y/n]!" someone shouted and you turned around.

as soon as you saw who shouted you got up and ran towards them. "ezra! oh my god, you're okay!"

you hadnt seen him since you told him to call 911.

"i should be saying that to you!" he cried, throwing his arms around you. "i was looking all over for you!"

he pulled away and looker at you sadly. "[y/n], they cant find the body. he burned. he's dead. thats what the fire department is saying. "

you heard a choked sob and turned to see elliot standing there.

"elliot.." you murmured. he nodded. "i'm okay. he was a sick bastard anyways. i'll... go tell my parents."

he walked off.

"your moms looking for you," ezra spoke up after a moment. "she's worried sick."

"which way!?"

he pointed. you ran.

you slammed into her, "mum!"

she broke down sobbing.

eventually the two of you departed, driving to the hospital. you sat in the front, looking at the lights that shone through the dark sky. driving at night with the street lights and town lights lit up was one of your favourite sights.

your phone buzzed and you hurriedly picked it up and checked it incase it was alex or jc or anyone at all with news.

tears fell.

bile rose.

i've already told you. it isn't going to be that easy to get rid of me, sunflower :)


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