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"i'm so sick of this, honestly," you rolled your eyes, "he gives out 20 questions every night. isn't that ridiculous?"

"you seem to forget I had him last semester." alex said, looking at you from over the clothing rack. "oh yeah, how's english going?"

you froze for a moment. that's the class with that stalker.

"fine," you said slowly, "it, uh, sucks I have to repeat it, though. they took away one of my electives for the semester because of it."

"well, what matters is you took time for yourself!" alex gave a half smile, holding up a shirt for you. "hows this?"

"good!" you said, taking it from his hands as the two of you headed off to the change room. that was one of the nice thing about alex; you could take him pretty much everywhere and he'd find fun in it.

you tried on the clothes when alex swung a dress over your change room. "saw this and thought i'd look amazing on you! try it on!"

you complied, slipping the dress on and giving a little twirl while coming out of the change room. "hows it look?"

alex seemed breath taken. "amazing..!"

you smiled, looking at your reflection. "should I get it?"

"absolutely!" he cheered, "you can wear it to mothers party tonight."

you couldn't stop grinning as you continued to look at yourself.


you couldn't stop frowning as you continued to look at your phone.

the texts... it was getting too weird.

you looked beautiful in that dress


see you tonight :)

does that mean e would be at the party? you certainly hoped not. tonight was supposed to be a fun night with alex and j.c, you didn't want anything to ruin it.

you couldn't stop thinking about it, even as you stood in line to check out at the drugstore. you finally snapped out of your daze when it was your turn at the register, putting the mascara and pack of gum on the counter and watching the black haired cashier ring it through.

"that'll be $7.69," he said softly, looking at you with the same tone, his pink lips resting together softly.

you handed him a ten, your hands brushing together as he handed you the change.

"thanks," you said, grabbing the bag and walking out, putting the change in your pocket and walking to the car where your mother was waiting.

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