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//rex orange county

your breath caught in your throat and you froze in your tracks, chilled to the bone.

no, god please no. anything--anyone but them.

you tried your best not to panic. to not hyperventilate. after a few seconds your eyes adjusted to the darkness a bit as you saw various candles lit around the room and you could make out some shapes: some looking like furniture and others... like people.

then you saw them. him.

he was coming closer and closer and you couldn't move. couldn't breath.

you could see his familiar green eyes in the darkness and your heart dropped.

you knew exactly who this was.

his soft, pale hand rested on your cheek and stroked it with your thumb.

eventually you moved away, gaining courage to step back and flick on the light switch.

it was elliot.

--wait. no. it wasn't?

it was the spitting image of him, the same black hair with the same bangs, the same soft, green eyes.

but elliot didn't have an earring. or a scar above cutting through his eyebrow.

"w-who are you?" you asked.

"you don't recognize me?" he asked, his voice sickly sweet and calm. "i've been here the whole time. waiting. watching.. surely you've seen me around."

then it clicked.

this was the friend elliot brought to the auction. he was the cashier at the drugstore. he was the person you bumped into earlier with your drink.

it made sense. he'd been lurking around, going places he knew you were going to be and placing himself there, watching your every move.

but there were still unanswered questions: how did he know elliot? how did he know you?

and finally, who exactly was he?

"oh, sunflower," he cooed, stepping closer and closer towards you. you stepped back until you bumped into a side table, cringed from the pain, then backed into the wall.

"please," you said, tears falling down your cheeks and nose, gathering into one big drop at your chin and dripping onto your outfit. "please don't. leave me alone.."

he smiled softly. he was standing so close to you, you could feel the way his heat radiated through the tux. you could see the way his eyelashes delicately fell as he blinked and how soft his pink lips looked.

"my dear, haven't you realized?" the smile danced on his lips. "that simply cannot happen. i'm the only one for you, so i musn't let you go..!"

he leans in. his lips were growing closer and closer until--

until you push him.

and he knocks back into a side table on the wall beside you.

and a candle knocks over, catching a curtain on fire.

of course, you're too busy to notice.

he lunges at you, knocking you over and clamping an arm around your mouth and neck. you two roll around, until your teeth successfully sink into his flesh and he yelps, letting you go.

you get up, grabbing an old, heavy book from the side table you bumped into earlier and smacked him over the head, knocking him out.

his body lay limp and you run over to where you thought you saw bodies and you find alex and ezra. ezra's still knocked out but alex has regained consciousness and is struggling against his bonds.

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