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you practically ran to your locker, opening it as fast as possible. you felt your phone buzz and looked at it, answering the call when you saw who's name was displayed across the screen.

"hey, [y/n], i've just gotta swing by the tuck shop real quick to meet j.c, so i'll be a few minutes late. sorry, i forgot to tell you that he was coming."

"it's fine," you replied. "see ya soon!"


"oh, wait, alex--"


"can you grab me a pack of gum real quick?"

you heard him chuckle. "sure thing."

with that he hung up.

you heard a throat clear and nearly jumped out of your skin. you yelled and turned around, hand thumping against your chest as you felt your heart beat from shock.

"sorry," the boy in front of you said. you were breathing heavily, but tried to call down.

"you scared me!" you exclaimed, steal feeling your fast paced heart.

"s-sorry," he said again. "you're in front of my locker and i was trying to get your attention without being rude and interrupting your conversation... it appears my intentions backfired."

you heard him chuckle a bit and couldn't help but awkwardly smile as you scooted out of the way.

"oh! sorry. didn't see you there..."

he went to the locker directly beside yours and you couldn't help but blurt something out.

"i've never seen you before."

he stopped shuffling around the locker and looked at you. "oh," his lips turned upwards, "i just moved to this locker. my old one broke."

you nodded your head in understanding. silence settled upon the two of you as you both suffering your storage objects.

suddenly the boy spoke, his green eyes fluttering towards you. "i'm elliot, by the way. i think i've seen you around somewhere? you look a bit familiar."

"hm..." you tried to think of you've seen his face anywhere, but nothing came to mind. instead of addressing it, you quickly played off the subject. "i'm [y/n]. nice to meet you!"

he cracked a smile and you returned it. his face then lit up. "oh! i know where i've seen you! you're in my english class. i'm a senior, but i'm taking the grade eleven class because I missed my credit last year..."

he trailed off and you pretended to know what he was talking about. you felt bad you didn't recognize him, but this was the first time you've ever seen him, let alone talk to him.

you felt your phone start buzzing again. "excuse me a moment," you said to elliot before answering the phone.


you were met with a familiar booming voice.

"[y/n], oh beautiful, wonderful [y/n]... hurry your ass up before aunt karen smashes one of her portraits over our heads!" j.c yelled before hanging up.

you took the phone away from your ear and sighed, turning back towards elliot.

"sorry, i've gotta go. it was nice talking to you!" you exclaimed, watching as he ran a hand through his black hair.

he smiled once again. "you too!"

with that you walked off to meet alex and j.c.

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