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"hello, miss [y/n]," the police officer said. it was the same person as earlier that was going to question you.

"i'm officer holly. are you comfortable? is your leg okay with how it's proped up?"

you nodded, offering a slice of a smile. "yes, thank you."

she returned the gesture then sat down across from you, folding her arms upon the cool metal table.

"do you remember anything about the person chasing you? any distinct features?"

you stayed silent as you ran through what happened earlier.

"...yes." you finally said, but in your mind you were a bit uncertain. are you truly remembering this correctly?

officer holly signalled for you to go on.

"they seemed like they were a guy. I don't know how to describe it... it was as if their body was scrawny in the legs but they had a normal weight? they were about.." you tried to compare them to your height to figure it out, "maybe 5'7, 5'8?"

you watched as she scribbled down what you were saying on a notepad. "anything else?"

"well they were wearing a black hood and black jeans. their hands seemed pale and i thought maybe they had green eyes, but i'm most likely wrong..."

silence settled as time ticked on and she kept writing in the notebook. "that's all," you said, feeling a slight bit awkward and nervous. what if you described something wrong? there was a huge amount of pressure on you, or at least in your mind there was.

"has there been anything strange that could hint that this person has followed you before?" she asked, looking at you as you stared off.

you lit up for a moment. "yeah!"

you pulled your phone out and, after clearing your notifications and tabs, showed her the messages from the unknown number you had received.

you watched as she read through the messages, her facial expression staying neutral.

she looked back up at you. "is it alright if we copy the number and trace it back? i know you blocked them but this could be a potential lead."

you nodded, feeling relieved. hopefully after this you wouldn't get anymore messages from unknown numbers. ever.

or so you hoped. although it's kind of inevitable. lots of people mix up numbers or type them wrong.

back to the point:

after the police had copied the number you met your mum and step-dad in a waiting room, where your mum hugged you as she spoke with worry.

"[y/n], thank god you're safe! i don't know what i would've done if i lost you. please be careful i love you so much and--"

"mum," you said, smiling the best you could as tears thread to spill, "stop crying, you're gonna make me cry too!"

she dried her tears and you enveloped her into one last hug. "i love you too mum. don't worry, i'll be careful."

you went home shortly afterwards as darkness came over the [town/city]. you were itching to get to bed as you were so terribly tired and your ankle was killing you. your arms were too from the crutches.

you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to sleep, but to no avail your mind couldn't rest despite its high levels of fatigue.

after the incidents of what had happened you felt as though someone was watching you from your bedroom window. you couldn't shake the feeling that you weren't alone.

tears pricked your eyes as you became irritated with the sleepless state you were in. finally you gave in, texting your mom that you couldn't sleep and asking her what to do.

i got some anti-anxiety pills that make you drowsy. they'll help with your nerves too. want one?

i'm not gonna die if I take it right lol

lol no don't be stupid

i'll bring you one :)

thank u♡

soon enough your bedroom door opened and your mum came in, giving you a tiny white pill and a bottle of water, as well as a kiss on the head as she told you to get some rest. she shut the door behind her as she left and you gulped the pill down, laying back down in bed and closing your eyes as you hoped sleep would overtake you soon.

and so it did.  

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